Anderson Cooper Talks 'Glee'!

There have been lots of "Ask Anderson" questions this summer, asking Anderson about his fandom preferences. In this video, Anderson answers @silverflutefly's question, "Are you a Potterhead, Gleek, or zealous fan of some sort?"
Thanks to Stephanie @ Anderson!

Stills from First Episode of Season 3!

source: ontd-glee

New SPOILERS from Ausiello!

Question: I just would like to know if we’re gonna meet Blaine’s parents on Glee. —Dalanda
No clue. I can, however, tell you that Mike Chang’s mom and dad aren’t the only set of never-before-seen parents we’ll meet in Episode 3.

Question: Do you have any scoop on Glee‘s Will and Emma? —Sara
The first part of the season is really about them adjusting to being in a relationship, and Emma making progress working through her considerable issues.


Emmys Host Jane Lynch Wants 'Glee' Cast to Be Part of the Show

Emmy host and nominee Jane Lynch wants to see her Glee colleagues incorporated on the broadcast.

“I’ve pitched a couple of ideas for the Glee cast,” she told reporters Tuesday during a conference call ahead of the Sept. 18 awards show. “I bet there will be an appearance.”

Lynch, who plays the snarky tracksuit-clad cheerleading coach Sue Sylvester on the Fox musical dramedy, noted that she’s been involved in every aspect of putting the show together, collaborating with producer Mark Burnett and company and that her duties as host are a welcome relief from having to think about her nomination.

“My nerves will mostly be focused toward doing the show,” said Lynch, who won the supporting actress in a comedy prize last year and is nominated in the same category for her role on Glee. “It’s almost a relief not to have to think about having been nominated.”

As for the show itself, Lynch teased that the production has “something unique” planned ahead of the four main categories (drama, comedy, reality and miniseries). “We’re going to have some little things we haven’t seen before,” she noted.

Lynch is the third woman to host the Emmys alone, following Angela Lansbury in 1993 and Ellen DeGeneres in 2001 and 2005 and noted that she hasn’t received any hosting tips from previous hosts but joked that Sue Sylvester would suggest to “Somehow find a way to give all the awards to yourself.”
“Sue Sylvester would make the show explosive … but it might be kind of warlike, angry and violence,” she laughed. “A show with Jane Lynch would be a lot nicer and easier to digest."
With production under way on Glee’s third season, Lynch reiterated that the season would focus more on the kids and their intimate relationships and upcoming graduation.
“With graduation looming ahead, it’s not just working for sectionals, regionals and nationals; it’s what these kids will be doing with their life,” she said.
Lynch also denied speculation that The Glee Project winner(s) would be a nemesis for Sue, saying that as of the third episode, she was yet to see any evidence of such a story line.

The Emmys air Sunday, Sept. 18 on Fox. Glee’s third season premieres Tuesday, Sept. 20 on Fox.


Talk To Me: Kevin McHale for The Trevor Project!

Holy Glee Spoilers! Find Out Who Damian Is Shacking Up With, Whose Mom Is Coming and More!

"Every musical blonde in the world is coming out of the woodwork for it!"
This is what a rock-solid Glee source tells me about the latest guest-starring role they are currently casting.
So who is it? And when will Glee Project winners Damian McGinty and Samuel Larsen join the show, and what will they be playing? Get ready for an explosion of Glee "spoilerocity," 'cause sources just told me exclusively:

3x01 Episode Description - SPOILERS ALERT!!!


Changes abound as a new school year begins: Will tries to inspire more students to join New Directions; and Sue’s bid for public office deals a potentially devastating blow to the Glee Club.

As a new school year begins, it quickly becomes evident that the more things at McKinley have changed for the kids of New Directions, the more they’ve stayed the same: Santana and Brittany have rejoined the Cheerios; Quinn has quit the Glee Club, and has fallen in with a considerably darker crowd; old relationships have ended, and new ones (like Will and Emma’s) have begun; and Finn still finds himself the target of Slushee facials compliments of the school’s hockey team. Meanwhile, as Sue embarks on a political campaign, she finds herself trailing in the polls. To boost her flagging numbers she announces her new platform, which involves cutting all public school funding for arts programs; almost immediately, her popularity among voters begins to rise.

As Will sets his sights on taking New Directions back to (and winning) Nationals, he charges the kids with helping to bolster the club’s dwindling enrollment, but discovers he may need to break his own rules in order to achieve his objective. As Sue’s latest ploy to destroy the Glee Club finds traction, Will takes matters into his own hands, but encounters mixed results. Meanwhile, inspired by their Broadway experience, Kurt and Rachel set their sights on colleges… only to discover they aren’t as uniquely talented as they had always assumed. Santana discovers she has a new and surprising adversary in the form of Becky Johnson; and a former show-choir competitor enrolls at McKinley, receiving a lukewarm reception from all but one of the club’s male singers.

Short Interview with Ian Brennan in Sky Magazine Italy!

The Three Faces of Glee
Glee’s creator Ian Brennan, with a Bohemian look and a jumper even under the sun at the 51st Monte Carlo Festival, talks about the cult series and the concert tour that brought the kids around the world this summer.

The Glee Club
“I was in one during high school, like Ryan Murphy (the co-writer): Kurt is his projection while I took several traits of my friends and mixed them together to write my characters. However I identify with Sue. Writing for her it’s easy: you just have to let your inner demon free.”

The Tour
“The kids are in character even during the shows, so much so that Kevin McHale performs on a wheelchair even though he’s a great dancer: the audience wants to see Rachel, Kurt, Artie… McHale couldn’t ask for something better. He’s sitting comfortably throughout the show!”
The Spin-Off
“I want to do it: we could follow the kids to college, but my dream is to make a spin-off with Santana and Brittany living together in New York.”

source and translation:

Interview With "Glee"'s Harry Shum: "I Usually Don't Just Lift Up My Shirt "

The most surprising thing about meeting Glee's Harry Shum is how soft-spoken and well, small isn't the right word exactly, as he's actually taller than co-star Darren Criss. But Shum doesn't seem to take up much space, and while some of that certainly has to do with his slender frame, it's more about the fact that he doesn't suck up all the oxygen when he enters a room the way some celebrities do. Indeed, unlike some actors, Shum isn't boastful or egocentric, and he certainly didn't seem to be trying to attract attention to himself on the crowded walkway at Gladstones in Malibu, which on an August evening earlier this month was packed with stars from the Fox network for that network's TCA party.

But clearly that low profile strategy is working just fine for the 29-year-old actor.

After all, when he appears inside the resturant after doing the red carpet, a long line of journalists who wanted to talk with him quickly gathered. For more proof that Shum's "take it slow" approach works, consider that his character Mike Chang spent most of the first season of Glee in the background where he was frequently referred to as "Other Asian" when he was noticed by viewers at all. A character like that could have easily vanished, and it's likely few would have noticed or cared. And yet in the second season, Mike emerged to become one of the show's most popular characters, literally dancing circles around everyone else and dating fellow Glee club member Tina (Jenna Ushkowitz).

And then there are those famous abs of his, which Shum has shown off to frequent and effective use. chatted with Shum about those abs of his, the gay fan base they've attracted, dealing with the fame bestowed by Glee and much more.

Naya and Harry Old Pics!

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First Season 3 Sneak Peek!

MORE Pics of Chord at the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards! (August 28, 2011)


Spoiler Chat: Exclusive Scoop on Glee!

rrrrrrroxanne: Is it true that Blaine will be joining the New Directions? #GLEE
Let’s just say Darren Criss has already been spotted at McKinley High with his boy Kurt (Chris Colfer) not in his Dalton uniform. First step transfer. Next step…New Directions!

redfox1998: any wemma scoop will do…seriously….anything you’ve got.
Er, call this scoop Wemma-adjacent. Flashback time! Glee is looking for someone to play a young Emma (Jayma Mays). It’ll probably be a quick flashback, because this Emma won’t have any lines. Maybe we’ll finally get some insight into why Emma is the way she is. How about this for some speculation (you know how we love to do that): Emma is spilling to Will (Matthew Morrison) about her past. She cries. He cries. They hug and kiss. Then get married. The end!

MamatoMicah: We haven’t heard anything about Finn in season 3! I want to make sure Cory’s cute mug keeps gracing my TV!
Don’t worry, Cory Monteith’s cute mug isn’t going anywhere! He’s one-half of one of the most fan-obsessed couples on TV right now! But what’s even better news is the fact that we hear he’ll be getting lots of solo storylines…meaning stuff that has to do with being just Finn, and not half of Finchel.

Mark Salling interviewed at Mall in Los Angeles!

Max Adler Arrives At The 4th Annual House Of Hype Music Awards!

Making of 'Last Friday Night'

Before McKinley High: Your Favorite Glee Stars, Slushie-Free

With the third season of Fox’s smash hit Glee premiering on September 21, Gleeks everywhere are wondering what is in store for the McKinley High Glee Club since they failed to win nationals—and what recording artists they'll be covering! As we ponder what love triangles will be resolved, how Sue is holding up, and if we’ll ever meet Rachel's dads, take a look back at these amazing performers before they made “mashup” a household word.

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Naya Rivera, Then
This fresh-faced teen was no stranger to flashing her dazzling smile for the cameras. Rivera started modeling as a baby and worked steadily on TV beginning at the age of 4. Despite her many years of experience, the role of Santana Lopez will probably always be known as her breakthrough.
Naya Rivera, Now
Gleeks’ favorite mean girl, Santana gives Sue a run for her money in the one-liner department. In the first season, Santana relished her promiscuous reputation and her ability to make her classmates cower with a glare or a harsh word. In season 2, it was revealed that Santana was a lesbian, and Rivera’s nuanced performance really brought Santana’s struggles to light in an honest and touching way. With Brittany by her side, will Santana have the courage to come out this season?


Check out all the fan messages celebrating Lea's 25th birthday on!

And don’t forget to tweet #HappyBirthdayLea today!

New Dianna's Twitpic!

@DiannaAgron Whatever you do. Smile and Twirl. Ok. Bye for real. Xxx

Old Pics // Lea signing autographs on the set of Glee - Season 1 (January 8, 2010)

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Cory Monteith to appear in new film "Sisters & Brothers"!

Cory’s new movie, Sisters & Brothers, will be showed at this year’s Toronto International Film Festival . How exciting! Here’s more information about the movie:

Carl Bessai’s third installment in his familial trilogy is a bracingly funny look into the lives of four sets of siblings. Brimming with affection, hostility and a healthy dose of guilt, it is a rich and gratifying journey through siblinghood’s love and dysfunction and features an impressive ensemble cast that includes Cory Monteith from Glee.

First Stills from the Movie:

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Chord Overstreet Presenting at the VMAs 2011!

Army Soldiers Perform GLEE's "Say a Little Prayer"!


Mark Salling Kick Off Child Hunger Ends Here Campaign with Celeb Friends in Hollywood (August 27, 2011)!

Glee star Mark Salling and 30+ other celebrities gathered at Hollywood & Highland Center to pack bags of food that were donated to the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. Mark hosted the event as part of his role as spokesperson for ConAgra Foods’ fall Child Hunger Ends Here campaign, which helps to raise awareness and encourage action to help end child hunger in the United States.

Child hunger is a nationwide issue that affects more than 17 million U.S. kids each year – that’s nearly 1 in 4 children who doesn’t know where his next meal is coming from. In 2010, ConAgra Foods created Child Hunger Ends Here to increase awareness and drive people to take action in their communities.

Mark Salling, Feeding America, Schools Fight Hunger and thousands of schools across the country are joining forces to encourage participation in a nationwide food and UPC label drive to raise five million meals this year school for children facing hunger in America. For more information, please visit .

You can see Exclusive Pics below:

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Thanks so much to Beth for sharing exclusive pics!

A Day in the Life of Brittany!

Brittany takes us to a dance class and singing lesson…(hulu)

'Glee' Star Lea Michele Reveals Juicy Season 3 Plot Twists

It's that Back to School time of year, and soon school will be back in session at McKinley High, too! That's right, September 20 and the return of Glee on FOX are just around the corner!

It's been a crazy roller coaster ride of a summer break in the life of a gleek. First, we heard Rachel, Finn, and Kurt were leaving. Then they were staying. Then Sam's out and two new cast members are in. Make that four, if you include the winners of The Glee Project! I swear, I'm almost gleeked out. Note: Not really.

There's always room for more Glee news, right? Lea Michele recently spoke with The TV Addict about what's to come for her character and Glee in season 3. Check out these season 3 plot twists, courtesy of Lea Michele.


Glee Guys in Cosmo South Africa!

Chris in LA Confidential - September 11, 2011

After just a handful of lines in Glee's pilot episode, Chris Colfer admits he's stunned his second-season portrayal of gay teen Kurt Hummel's struggles against bullying landed him a 2011 Emmy nomination.

"I never thought I'd be as front and center as I've been," says Colfer. "The beauty of the show is you never know what's going to be huge and what's going to affect people and what isn't. But being a victim of bullying myself in high school, I tried to take it to a personal place." Even he, like many Gleeks, finds inspiration in his character: "He lives in an environment where every day he's told he shouldn't be and can't be who he is and what he is, but he's true to himself."

Colfer also realizes just how badly some fans want to him to be Kurt. "When people meet me on the street they sometimes have this look of sadness in their eyes, because after having a few minutes of conversation with me they realize Kurt is not real," he says. "One of the first things I noticed was people see so much of themselves in Kurt. If I opened up my Facebook page right now, I’d see letter after letter after letter from people saying how similar their situation is or how he helped them get through their situation. Sometimes they like to put me up on a pedestal, but I’m just the actor."

And as much as he adores belting out those splashy Broadway staples Kurt cherishes, angsty acting challenges bring Colfer the most glee. "If I can get angry in a scene, or if I can cry - the more emotion the better," he says. "It's like candy for me"

Harry's excited for GQ Photoshoot!


Chord Overstreet: 'Bummed' to Leave Glee

Chord Overstreet: 'Bummed' to Leave GleeChord Overstreet heads back to his car on Thursday (August 25) after going to lunch with friends at Urth Caffe in West Hollywood.

The 22-year-old actor was happy to meet a few fans on the way out.
Chord recently filled TVLine in on his departure from Glee.

“Of course I was bummed initially,” Chord said of learning that he wouldn’t be coming back. “I had the best time working on the show and I had one of the best life experiences. It was a blast. But I decided to look at it as an opportunity to dive into my music.”

Chord also said he’ll keep watching the show! “I don’t think I could ever stop watching it,” he laughed.

EMMYS: Q&A With Brad Falchuk Of ‘Glee’!

Brad Falchuk had quite a summer. While working on two shows at once as the co-creator of Glee and FX’s forthcoming American Horror Story, he found himself recently disputing reports of Glee stars Lea Michele, Chris Colfer, and Cory Monteith leaving the series after Season 3. Despite the fan backlash and gripes online about the quality of its sophomore season, Glee still snared a dozen Primetime Emmy nominations, including for Outstanding Comedy Series. Falchuk spoke with Deadline TV Contributor Ray Richmond:

DEADLINE: Glee has been whacked hard on the Internet. What do you think fueled the backlash?
I have to say it really just goes with the territory. What I can tell you is that we worked 7 days a week all season. We just worked our asses off. And I’m really proud of what we did. I make no apologies for it. When you have three creators who are so directly involved with every story and every word as Ryan Murphy, Ian Brennan, and I were, what you wind up with onscreen is going to be different each year depending on where we are creatively. So it was what it was, and we’re all very proud of it. When you’re on top like we were from the start, you make yourselves a very big target. But in terms of the storytelling, how the episodes played out, the talent, the choreography, I make no apologies for it.

UPDATE: 'Glee the Music: Dance Party'

As I previously informed you guys, Target is releasing an exclusive EP called 'Glee The Music: Dance Party' that will be out tomorrow (August 29th)!

This is the Tracklist:

1. Slave 4 U

2. I Know What Boys Like

3, Blame It

4. Tik Tok

5. I'm Not Gonna Teach...

6. Yeah!

And here is the cover art:

Thanks so much to Tyler for the update!

Spoilery Pictures Of Extras Filming A Musical Number From An Upcoming Episode!

They are maybe from the rumored tap number between Kurt and Rachel where the girls are supposed to be dressed like her and the guys are dressed like him.

Thanks to Puckerman Tumblr!

Thanks for watching!

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