Glee Live On Tour - Merchandise!


Girl’s “Glee Live” rainbow shirt - $40
Girl’s “RIP Pavarotti” shirt - $40
Warblers blazer shirt - $40
Blue Glee Live shirt - $35
regular men’s Glee Live shirts - $35-$40 (depends on size)
Laminate - $15
Foam hand - $15
Poster - $10
Hoodie - $65
Jersey - $55
Track jacket - $75
Tank top - $40
Tote bag - $20
Whistle keychain - $15
Concert program - $20
via gleeclub

27 commenti:

jujubee said...

thank you sooo much for posting this and sharing! it really does help to plan out how much $$ to bring and if everyone would take time to look stuff like this up then the massive hordes at merch booths would move a lot faster and be more orderly! i am so gonna get a warblers shirt and program

Anonymous said...

Thanks! now i know how much money to bring and what to expect! I wish they had another warblers shirt that was for girls.. because I probably wouldn't look good in that one. haha. I need one with Darren's face on it. Im SOO excited for the show!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have a few questions for how much are the "Born this way" shirts (like the ones they used in the show)? Is the letterman type jacket also $75 and do you know how big they were? I wanna get one for a friend.

Anonymous said...

Thank you thank you thank you so much for posting this!

Claire said...

The Letterman jacket is $200 (very expensive!)
I don't know the exact price for the BTW shirts, anyway shirts start at $40 and they should have all sizes..
anyway, they only sell "Cant' sing", "Brown Eyes", "No waves" and "I'm with stoopid"

If you want the other, here are some links:

Nicole said...

The BTW shirts are $35 and they also sell "Likes Boys" and "Likes Girls" along with the ones mentioned already

CrittelC. said...

Hi! I went to the Glee concert in SJ on Wednesday and I bought a large Glee tour shirt but it's too big! D: I was wondering if there is any other way to buy the Glee tour merchandise without being there? Please help me out Gleeks <3

Anonymous said...

I agree I went to the Glee San Diego concert last night. I bought my friend a $40 Warblers shirt and she lost it during the show, and one of the shirts I got is way too small :( can anyone help me out? I spent almost $200 on shirts, etc but I would spend more just to have one that actually fits. Thank you! It was incredible by the way!!! :)

Anonymous said...

is there any place else to get these shirts ?? i missed my chance to buy it at the concert -__-

Claire said...

Links to get the Merch, also on the right sidebar of the blog:

for the BTW Shirts:

Anonymous said...

Are these prices both American & Canadian?
I'm seeing the Toronto show & I'm wondering if the prices would change a bit.
If anyone knows anything please let me know. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

They are American prices. I just got home from the concert in Minneapolis. I couldn't bring myself to spend $40 for a t-shirt but I really want something to remember the experience but now I can't find any Glee tour specific items online. :( Should have bought it there.

Anonymous said...

Do they accept debit/credit for merchandise or is it cash only?

Anonymous said...

i think i have decided on the blue glee live t-shirt (essential), foam hand(def gotta get that! :), glee live poster (for my dorm!!), and if i have extra money somehow thenn i will get a born this way t-shirt. or a program. =D

Anonymous said...

but most likely a BTW shirt! let me calculate the costs... -.-

Anonymous said...

I cant seem to find any glee LIVE t-shirts online and I didnt get to buy the one I wanted at the concert. Everything I have come across is generic, please let me know if there is any way to get t-shirts from the concert.

Anonymous said...

How do I but a Tshirt?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have a link for the letterman jacket ?

Anonymous said...

where can i buy a t-shirt if i didnt go to the concert?

Anonymous said...

How much is shipping to IL?

mimisharonlau said...

i want the warbler T shirt where can i buy?

Anonymous said...

Glee, season 2, Vol. 2 is being released on DVD and Blu-ray tomorrow. has it priced at $31.72 – the cheapest I’ve found. Check out

carley said...

Can we order the stuff if we didn't go on tour?

Claire said...

You can look here for Glee merch on Amazon!

Unknown said...

is it too late to purchase the items?

Claire said...

This Merch was sold last summer during glee tour..
anyway, you can have a look here:

there is some nice stuff as well! :)

care olders said...

يمكنكم الان من خلال موقعنا الحصول الان علي افضل الخدمت الان لرعاية دار مسنين المسنين الان و علي اعيل اسعار دار مسنين بالقاهرة مستوي الان من التميز من خلال توفير الان رعاية علي رعاية مسنين اعلي مستوي الان و توفير الان افضل اطباء للرعايات رعاية مسنين بالمنزل الصحيه الان دار مسنين بالقاهرة و علي اعلي مستوي الان من التميز تواصلو معنا الان من خلال موقعنا

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