
Spoiler question featuring Wemma/Fichel & Baby Drizzle

Will Rachel and Finn ever get back together on Glee? — Benji

MICKEY: Will you forget about those two for a minute, please? Ryan Murphy tells us he was taken off guard by how involved fans were in the Will-Emma pairing. As a result, he and the writers are drafting a "relationship timeline" for the future couple. Yes, couple! Says Murphy: "We have a lot of conversations about 'When should they kiss again? When should they sleep together? Should they sleep together? Should they stay together?' We talk about that a lot." I'm hearing the spring episodes will make quick work of Terri and Will's separation, but that Emma's story line will be of the "be careful what you wish for" variety. Also: Before Rachel and Finn can walk off into the sunset, there's the small matter of Quinn's baby, who we'll also meet this spring.


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