Starry Mag Interview with Iqbal Theba, AKA Principal Figgins

Starry Constellation Magazine has interviewed a lot of the cast members of Glee before, and their latest features Iqbal Theba, who you probably know as the hilarious Principal Figgins. The interview has a couple light spoilers, and I really enjoyed it! Definitely take the time to read it. :)

They’ll be interviewing Josh Sussman (who plays Jacob Ben Israel) next, so send them your questions if you have any!

Q. "Glee" just won Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series at the SAG Awards, how did that make you feel?

A. It was great, I am so happy beyond belief and I feel really lucky and I thank God every day for this opportunity. I actually have my own statute at home, which my son is using as a paperweight, he kind of knows what it's for. So far it's a paperweight but I am sure we'll have to think of a name, some really cool name, maybe a Biblical name. I love old names like Ismael or Jonah, when I was trying to name my kids, I was always going back to Biblical names because I love those names!

Q. The show continues to garner such amazing acclaim. Is this something you thought would happen off the bat or something you recognized when filming began?

A. Of course I wasn't thinking like, "Oh my God, this is going to be a huge success of a show." The feeling as an actor, you stick to the basics, look at the character and the script and try to find the reality of the show. Every show has its own reality, for example "ER," and then you have something like "Married With Children," something like that and you can get away with certain things. There are things that you can do on "Married With Children" that you cannot do on "ER" or even on "Modern Family" or "Glee." This was a pilot, I had not seen anything, it was just words and paper.

Q. Where do you draw from for your portrayal of Principal Figgins?

A. Basically I read the script and just tried to get the feeling for it. I also knew Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk because I had done "Nip/Tuck" for them before "Glee." I knew their sensibility and what they want and then accordingly I read it. I also go by my gut feeling, wherever my gut takes me, I go. He's very different from the guy that I played in "Nip/Tuck," that guy was much more self assured and arrogant. Figgins is somebody who wanted to be a CEO, but is not for some reason, whatever it may be. He wanted to be rich like Lee Iacoca or somebody but now he has to live with the fact that he is a principal at a small town high school. It kind of shows on his body and the language he uses and the way he acts. I thought he's a guy who wanted to be somebody big but he's not and now he has to deal with it. He has to deal with all of these trivial things on a daily basis, like money, the students, the teachers, and Sue, they come at him with the speed of light. I think of all of that and try to incorporate it in my behavior and just play it and basically just say the words. It's written so well, it's written really, really well.

Q. The back nine episodes will begin airing in April, what can you tell us will be happening with the show and with your character?

A. We don't really read beyond one or two episodes. I don't think any of the cast members have any idea what's going to happen in the number seven or eight or nine episodes. I know Jane Lynch puts me in an awkward situation, I can't really tell you much, I don't think I am supposed to. It becomes really embarrassing for the principal again. It's going to be really interesting, poor Figgins has to suffer at the hands of Sue. Figgins new found power from the last episode that aired isn't going to last too long.

Q. There was a blurb in a recent TV Guide where cast member Jessalyn Gilsig said who she might want to see her character have as a love interest and she put down Principal Figgins. What do you think of the possibility of a relationship with her character Terri?

A. That would be kind of nice, I think any romantic situation Figgins would appreciate. I think it would be a welcome development for him, and me as well, because I don't really get to play somebody's love interest. That would be kind of nice even if it was for just one or two episodes. I hope Ryan is actually listening right now and writes it in with Figgins and Terri, or who knows, it could be one of the cheerleaders! That would put Figgins in heaven, and maybe in jail!

Q. Any hope that we'll get to see Principal Figgins have his own singing and dancing number on the show?

A. Personally sometimes I start singing while I am on the set so that people can hear me. I am just hoping that somebody actually hears me sing and listens to what I am singing and lets me sing on the show. I hope that it happens sooner than later, I think it would be hysterical with Figgins singing and dancing, it would be so awesome and I think the fans would love that.

Q. The cast has such incredible chemistry together, is that something you think developed naturally or something that happened as filming has continued?

A. First of all I think the credit has to go to casting. Robert Ulrich, the casting director, that guy is amazing and a genius. He's cast me in I don't know how many things before "Glee," so we go way back. I think the genius of Ryan Murphy and the casting director, they audition people and then they put them in the show and everything clicks, that doesn't really happen. I cannot imagine a character that doesn't really gel with everything and everybody else around them on the show. I think that's one part and the other part is the actors. Everyone is so wonderful, I'm amazed, and of course Jane is amazing and so is Jessalyn , Lea, and Matthew. There are people who had never really worked in television or theater like Chris Colfer, and that guy amazes me, I think he's like nineteen years old. He already knows so much as an actor and I've been watching him and I am like, "God, look at him! I wish I had that kind of talent when I was nineteen!" Some of these youngsters are just amazing, they are such wonderful actors, they're triple threats. They can sing, they can dance, they can act and a lot of credit goes to the entire cast with making it work with their own characters and the other actors, whatever their creating.

Q. The show has reached so many countries from Pakistan to Italy to Japan, does it blow the cast's mind that the show has reached so many people?

A. I think the whole cast, I feel, is still in awe and I think it'll be a while before it all sinks in. I think everyone is so grounded, each and every one, each and every member of the cast. They are all so darn good, the kids, and Jane, they all get recognized. My role is a smaller character and people are taking pictures of me with their cell phones! I can't even imagine what's happening with Cory Monteith who is half my age and so good looking or Dianna or Lea. They're all so sweet and wonderful and they're handling it really, really well with a lot of grace and class.

Q. You have such great comedic timing that we get to see you exercise not only on the show "Glee," but on "Community" as well. Is this something that has come naturally to your or have you studied it?

A. I don't think you can study being funny, I don't think they actually teach you. I don't know, I just do what I do and not think about anything. I don't know anyone who thinks, "Oh, this will be funny." You just get up and do it, and once you do it you say, "Oh, it works!" If it doesn't work you try it a different way. I didn't study, I don't know what to say, I've done a lot of drama as well. Even though on "Community" it was a funny character in the first episode I did, all of these things were really heartbreaking. I just did another episode of "Community" by the way, just two weeks ago, so I'll be back on that as well. Then again, I am not the only one on the show. People like Jane Lynch or Jessalyn or Patrick, they do such an amazing job. I have to mention Heather Morris, she's one of the cheerleaders, and sometimes she doesn't say many lines like me. Even one line is so memorable the way that she does it and it's just her. She's an amazing dancer, Heather and Naya both, they're such amazing dancers and they do a good job on the show.

Q. What would you like to say to your fans and supporters?

A. I am so touched when people write to me. I have a fan page on Facebook and I get a lot of actual letters in the mail which amazes me that people actually find time to write to somebody like me. I am always flattered when people come up to me. I was in Dallas and I went to this pub and there was this little commotion with people wanting to take pictures with me. People who write to me, that's what amazes me, people find time to write to me and say that they love my work or I'm funny. I would like to just say a big thank you and I am really moved when that happens.


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