Gleeking Out With Jane Lynch & Jessalyn Gilsig

Gleeking Out With Jane Lynch & Jessalyn Gilsig
Only 30 days until ‘Glee‘’s April 13 return and we sat down with two of the show’s stars, Jane Lynch, who plays anti-Glee Clubber/Cherrios boss Sue Sylvester, and Jessalyn Gilsig, estranged wife to Glee guru Will Schuester and wannabe baby-stealer, to get the dish on what’s coming up this season.

Jane, tell me about the Olivia Newton-John episode where you sing “Let’s Get Physical” with her.
Jane Lynch: Olivia Newton-John decided to do this because she thought it was a terrible video. So [show creator] Ryan [Murphy] asked if she’d like to recreate it for us and she said yes let’s do it. So they contrived this thing where Sue Sylvester gets humiliated on YouTube. Someone take a video of her doing Jazzersize. And she gets laughed at by everybody at school. And Olivia Newton-John supposedly sees this on YouTube, calls her, and says let’s get together, join forces, remake the Let’s Get Physical video, redeem ourselves and do it for a new generation of kids. And, Sue says, “I’m in.”

Do you duplicate the original video exactly?
JL: No. It wasn’t verbatim. Wait until you see the outfits. We’re in aqua tracksuits.

Everyone’s also buzzing about the Madonna-themed episode. What are you doing?
JL: I’m doing ‘Vogue.’ It was hard to learn. I’ve been working on it since October. I must have watched the video 10 or 15 times. I was thrilled to hear that Madonna called and offered up her catalog. I think she’ll be very pleased.
Jessalyn Gilsig: There are a lot of Madonna songs, sung by multiple people. ‘Like a Virgin’ is one.

Yes, we hear the song goes with a storyline where Naya Rivera’s character Santana Lopez takes someone’s virginity. Any hints as to who it is?
JG: It is a main character. But it will be a surprise. It’s such a shock. I can say that it’s born of love.

There are so many great guests this season. What can you say about Molly Shannon and Neil Patrick Harris’ episodes?
JL: Molly’s character is an enemy of mine. She is amazing, hilarious. She’s a floozy drunk who is not afraid of Sue Sylvester. And that completely throws her off because everyone is afraid of her. She completely gets up in her grill and tells her what’s what. She’s in three or four episodes.
JG: Molly Shannon is brilliant. She doesn’t sing in her first episode. She’s doing at least two, or more.

And the great NPH? We know he’s doing Aerosmith’s “Dream On.”
JL: He’s an ex-glee clubber and life is not going his way. He works at a car dealership. And he’s on the school board so he’s going to cut the glee club. That, of course, I’m thrilled with it. And he goes to a karaoke bar and it revives his passion for singing and he ends up cutting the Cherrios and I have words with him.

What role does Idina Menzel from ‘Wicked’ play?
JG: The storyline involves my ex-husband.

Any other guests coming up?
JL: I know the producers have been inundated with celebrity phone calls. I would love to see someone like Tyne Daly. I think that would be interesting.
JG: They are bombarded with people who want their music used, which is great because when we started we couldn’t’ get rights to anything. And now that has all changed and people are offering up their catalogs. There is talk of getting Coldplay. It would be great to get Gwyneth [Paltrow] on the show. I think Apple would like that. And, I know J. Lo wants to get involved. She was funny in ‘How I Met Your Mother’ and ‘Will and Grace.’

Jane, do you and your estranged husband Will ever become friends?
JL: I heard there is some sort of an understanding [coming up between them.]

Jessalyn, what can we expect from you and Will now that you’re broken up?
JG: It’s actually going to be fun. Because the baby is out of the way, the fake pregnancy and everything, we’re taking a break and I think a break is a good thing for Terri because Terri will be able to get rid of all of that panic and will explore, uh, a little something for herself.

We know Will becomes a man-whore. What can you say?
JG: We can say they explore single life. That’s safely put. What I like about it, is as Ryan [Murphy] always said to me, Terri is always right: once a cheater, always a cheater. Terri didn’t cheat on Will. But Will stepped out, emotionally. He cheated emotionally on Terri. If Emma hadn’t stopped him, it would’ve gone there. Isn’t emotional cheating worse?
JL: We have an episode called Bad Reputation and I say, “Hey man-whore.”

We won’t see Will get involved with a student, right? That would be inappropriate.
JL: Yeah, no. We cannot go there.

Jessalyn, You have a singing episode coming up. What song is it?
JG: I can’t say. It’s a pretty contemporary song, though. I am not alone. It’s a group thing, but it might be a duet. It’s unexpected. It will be toward the end of the season, but not the finale. I haven’t shot it yet and I’m really nervous to do it. I was wondering if I should get vocal coaching but they told me not to. They assured me they’ll make me feel so good while I’m singing and not to worry. They want it to look real. I’m an okay singer. Aren’t we all okay singers?


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