May 13, 2010 by Erin Hill
Prior to Glee, Matthew Morrison was well-known in Broadway circles, but it wasn’t until his breakout role as the glee club’s lovable leader Will Schuester on the hit series that he’s had to deal with the downside of fame.
The 31-year-old admits that he’s adapting to becoming a Hollywood star, complete with dating rumors and a bogus cheating scandal.
Transitioning from Broadway fame to TV stardom.
"It's cool. I enjoy talking to people who are just really into the show. I get a lot of families who come up to me, actually Katie Couric came up to me at the White House Correspondents' dinner a couple weeks ago and she said 'Tuesday nights are the only night that my daughter and I get to spend together, and we watch Glee. And it's such a great moment that we have together.' Families are getting together and talking about the show because sometimes it brings up some interesting, racy issues and parents have to answer some questions. But I love it. I'm so happy and proud of what we're doing, so it's been a great ride."
Connecting to Will's newfound faults.
"I love where he's going now. He was kind of like the perfect guy before. I like being a real human being now and having faults, making choices and them not always being the right choices. He gets himself in a little bit of trouble sometimes now, and it's fun to play flaws. You don't want to play a perfect person; no one cares about that."
His wishes for Will.
"I'd like him to stay single for a while. I definitely don't want to get into the Emma thing too quickly. I like the tension between us. I'd like him just to get into the kids a little bit more, just really work on his teaching and inspiring them and having them inspire him. I love the relationship between myself and the kids."
Dealing with tabloids rumors about cast romances.
"There's the one about Lea [Michele] and myself, and we were literally on set and I got a call from my publicist, and she got a call a minute later and we looked at each other like, 'What the f--?' It's so laughable. And now there's this one about my ex-fiancee going to the tabloids, which so isn't true. I have a great relationship with her. I feel like I can handle this stuff because I don't really care. I've never gotten into tabloids and I don't really care about it now, but I just feel bad for other people in my life who are getting dragged into it. It just kinda sucks."
Does he feel the need to protect the cast in real life?
"I definitely do. They come to me with a lot of questions about things. I am the teacher on the show, and it's kind of translated to our real lives. They have a certain amount of respect for me, so it's kinda cool."
How he de- Glee's at the end of the day.
"I'm a big runner, so before I go into work I try to get in at least a five-mile run. And this sounds silly, but after the day is done, before I leave my trailer, I do a headstand. It kind of gets all the blood in my head and it kind of lets me forget about everything, like 'All right, we're starting fresh, let's go.'"
Next week's flashback episode with Neil Patrick Harris.
"Aw, man. You're not even ready for next week. It's a great episode with Neil Patrick Harris and he plays an old nemesis of mine. He was two years older than me and he got the lead in all the shows and got all the girls and he kind of failed as a performer, so now he's on the school board and is back to destroy the glee club. I feel like every week someone is out to bring me down. What's up with that?"
The character who reminds him most of his high-school self.
"I was very much like Finn because I was a big, big soccer player and I was also in all the shows and it was a really tough balance. During my junior year, I actually had to choose between one or the other and my high school mentor, my Mr. Schuester, was very instrumental in pointing me in the direction of the arts."
Is it true he was a real-life Prom King?
"Yeah, that's true. I feel like the show connects with so many people because everyone in high school felt like an outcast. It doesn't matter if you're the most popular person, because there's so many insecurities you have in high school. I guess I was popular, but I was insecure about a ton of stuff. I don't think anyone can get away from high school unscathed."
What to expect in the final episodes.
"Next week's episode is awesome. Neil Patrick Harris and I have a great duet together. We have two, but one is Aerosmith's 'Dream On' and the other is a Billy Joel song. I also might be seducing Jane Lynch pretty soon. And we have an episode called funk, so we'll be doing some funk songs."
His dream guest star, living or dead.
"Bob Marley. If we could do a reggae episode with Bob Marley, that would be awesome!"


May 13, 2010 by Erin Hill
Prior to Glee, Matthew Morrison was well-known in Broadway circles, but it wasn’t until his breakout role as the glee club’s lovable leader Will Schuester on the hit series that he’s had to deal with the downside of fame.
The 31-year-old admits that he’s adapting to becoming a Hollywood star, complete with dating rumors and a bogus cheating scandal.
Transitioning from Broadway fame to TV stardom.
"It's cool. I enjoy talking to people who are just really into the show. I get a lot of families who come up to me, actually Katie Couric came up to me at the White House Correspondents' dinner a couple weeks ago and she said 'Tuesday nights are the only night that my daughter and I get to spend together, and we watch Glee. And it's such a great moment that we have together.' Families are getting together and talking about the show because sometimes it brings up some interesting, racy issues and parents have to answer some questions. But I love it. I'm so happy and proud of what we're doing, so it's been a great ride."
Connecting to Will's newfound faults.
"I love where he's going now. He was kind of like the perfect guy before. I like being a real human being now and having faults, making choices and them not always being the right choices. He gets himself in a little bit of trouble sometimes now, and it's fun to play flaws. You don't want to play a perfect person; no one cares about that."
His wishes for Will.
"I'd like him to stay single for a while. I definitely don't want to get into the Emma thing too quickly. I like the tension between us. I'd like him just to get into the kids a little bit more, just really work on his teaching and inspiring them and having them inspire him. I love the relationship between myself and the kids."
Dealing with tabloids rumors about cast romances.
"There's the one about Lea [Michele] and myself, and we were literally on set and I got a call from my publicist, and she got a call a minute later and we looked at each other like, 'What the f--?' It's so laughable. And now there's this one about my ex-fiancee going to the tabloids, which so isn't true. I have a great relationship with her. I feel like I can handle this stuff because I don't really care. I've never gotten into tabloids and I don't really care about it now, but I just feel bad for other people in my life who are getting dragged into it. It just kinda sucks."
Does he feel the need to protect the cast in real life?
"I definitely do. They come to me with a lot of questions about things. I am the teacher on the show, and it's kind of translated to our real lives. They have a certain amount of respect for me, so it's kinda cool."
How he de- Glee's at the end of the day.
"I'm a big runner, so before I go into work I try to get in at least a five-mile run. And this sounds silly, but after the day is done, before I leave my trailer, I do a headstand. It kind of gets all the blood in my head and it kind of lets me forget about everything, like 'All right, we're starting fresh, let's go.'"
Next week's flashback episode with Neil Patrick Harris.
"Aw, man. You're not even ready for next week. It's a great episode with Neil Patrick Harris and he plays an old nemesis of mine. He was two years older than me and he got the lead in all the shows and got all the girls and he kind of failed as a performer, so now he's on the school board and is back to destroy the glee club. I feel like every week someone is out to bring me down. What's up with that?"
The character who reminds him most of his high-school self.
"I was very much like Finn because I was a big, big soccer player and I was also in all the shows and it was a really tough balance. During my junior year, I actually had to choose between one or the other and my high school mentor, my Mr. Schuester, was very instrumental in pointing me in the direction of the arts."
Is it true he was a real-life Prom King?
"Yeah, that's true. I feel like the show connects with so many people because everyone in high school felt like an outcast. It doesn't matter if you're the most popular person, because there's so many insecurities you have in high school. I guess I was popular, but I was insecure about a ton of stuff. I don't think anyone can get away from high school unscathed."
What to expect in the final episodes.
"Next week's episode is awesome. Neil Patrick Harris and I have a great duet together. We have two, but one is Aerosmith's 'Dream On' and the other is a Billy Joel song. I also might be seducing Jane Lynch pretty soon. And we have an episode called funk, so we'll be doing some funk songs."
His dream guest star, living or dead.
"Bob Marley. If we could do a reggae episode with Bob Marley, that would be awesome!"

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