Coldplay Warms Up to Having Songs on Glee

There aren’t many musicians left who can say no to Glee.

The members of Coldplay, who once said the Fox show couldn’t use their music, have now changed their minds and given their blessing. “Coldplay and Bryan Adams were really the only rejections. But Coldplay called a week ago and said, ‘We’re sorry, you can have our catalog,’ ” Glee‘s creator, Ryan Murphy, tells the Hollywood Reporter.

So far, there are no plans to do an entire Coldplay show, like the Madonna episode that aired in April (and the possible Britney Spears episode that Murphy envisions doing), but the agreement does give Murphy free rein to use Chris Martin and his bandmates’ tunes in future episodes.

Murphy says musicians were more hesitant about handing over their material before the show became so popular, and would sometimes want to know the context in which their songs would be used. “At the beginning, a lot of people didn’t know what we were and asked to see pages [in advance],” he says. “But I refused, because I didn’t want to set precedent of them having any involvement.”

That sort of close creative control has helped Murphy realize his vision for the show. “[I do] all of it, really,” he says. “I choose all the songs. That’s my favorite thing about the gig,” he says. “There are different kinds of showrunners, but what I really love is choosing the vase and the buttons and really getting in there and creating a world.”

Continues Murphy: “The hard thing about [Glee], production-wise, is that you have to choose things four months out because you have to clear the music and get the dancing going. That’s been the tricky part. None of us really knew what we were doing when we started. I feel like I just figured out how to do a musical.” –Tim Nudd

Are you excited to hear Coldplay’s music on Glee? Which songs should producers select? And which other bands do you want to hear on the show next season?


2 commenti:

Eleanor said...

omg... seriously can't believe i came across this blog so randomly! i love glee so much! i actually just wrote a post about it! :) check it out: comment? follow? much appreciation... i shall be following this over summer to make up for lack of glee till season two starts! xxxxx

Claire said...

Hi Eleanor!
If you love Glee, you're in the right place! :D

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