"I'm kind of a prankster" - Tales from the set...

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Matthew Morrison, "Glee"
"I'm kind of a prankster. Cory Monteith (Finn) had this fancy-ass sports car that Audi let him borrow for two weeks. So on the last day he had it, Lea Michele (Rachel) parked next to it, and I had the transport department put these long stickers on the side of the car to make it look like someone had scratched his car all the way down and put a little piece of the sticker on Lea's bumper to make it look like she did it. He flipped out, but then he looked more closely and saw a bubble on the sticker and pulled it away and went, 'You guys!' Phase 2 was getting Lea to see it, and it was torturous to watch her; she was a mess. When she found out (it was a joke), she threw her sandwich on the ground and stormed away--but she was laughing."
source via gleeclub

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