Tweet Treats: World Cup, Travels, and Ninja Turtles

MsAmberPRiley (Mercedes): @msleamichele and Matthew Morrison at the Tony Awards, all I can say is DAMN! Goosebumps everytime I watch! Our thoughts exactly! If you missed their performance, check it out here.

iqbaltheba (Principal Figgins): Soccer, or rather FOOTBALL, brings more people closer than any other sport and that alone should be a reason to support it. So does the Barney's Warehouse Sale, but you don't see us scrambling to that! ...Okay, you do.

iharryshum (Mike Chang): "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts diddly do..." Is someone bored? Don't worry, Glee starts filming again in TWO WEEKS!

frankenteen (Cory Monteith; Finn):
I made it to Prague!! It's in the Czech Republic, not Czechoslovakia. Well, since 1993 anyways. Uh, thanks for the history lesson, Cory.

(Tina): Last night in London! BOO! then off to the concrete jungle Well, we're happy to have you back in the States, Jenna!

(Mike Chang): Photo: thedailywhat: "Ninja Turtle in Real Life" (See photo below) We heart Raphael! He is the Puck of the TMNT, after all.
Ninja Turtle in Real Life
source: twitter via

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