Jane on Jay Leno!



When you hear an actor praise a new character on their show, you tend not to take them too seriously. It’s their show. What are they supposed to say? But when that person is Jane Lynch, you listen. Last night, she told Jay Leno (and fellow guest Justin Timberlake) about her new nemesis on Glee, Coach Beiste (guest star Dot Jones, pictured). The new football coach is large and intimidating at 6’4″ (Lynch is 6′), but she’s a very, very sensitive girl, Lynch said. “I love this character. The pathos is just amazing. She wears red lipstick, and then every once in a while, you see tears going down her cheeks. Her feelings get hurt very easily, and so of course, Sue Sylvester goes after her.” Watch the clip below. Does hearing Timberlake laugh when Lynch explains that Beiste (pronounced “Beast”) is French make anyone else think he needs a guest spot on Glee? He’d be fantastic.

During the two-part interview, Lynch also asks Timberlake how nervous she’ll be hosting Saturday Night Live and talks about Jimmy Fallon caressing her breasts during the opening number of the Emmys and why Sue Sylvester is a perfect Halloween costume. (Note: If you are planning to dress as Sue, check out our gallery of 30 of her best quips so you can stay in character.)


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