Leaked Audition Tape (Ep 2x6 Spoilers)

Someone has leaked a tape of a Broadway actor auditioning for Glee. He is trying out for the role of Blair, the charismatic gay kid from a rival show choir who is thought to be a candidate for Kurt's boyfriend.

Major Spoilers for Episode 6

- Kurt goes undercover to spy on a rival show choir, pretending to be a transfer student called Billy. This show choir isn't Vocal Adrenaline. They could be the opposition for this years Sectionals.

- The new school is very anti-bullying, very gay friendly and Glee club is considered cool.

- Kurt thinks that Blair and his friends are going to beat him up for being a spy. Blair thinks Kurt might have a different reason for coming to the school besides their show choir rivalry.

- Kurt admits he is the only out gay kid at his school. He talks a bit about the jocks who bully him and how the teachers just ignore it.

- Blair gives a bit of an after-school special speech about how he left his old school because of bullying, but he thinks he should have stayed and not let them make him the victim. He mentions that the fees for his current school are higher, but if Kurt's family can afford it, moving schools is an option.

source: community.livejournal.com/gleeclub

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