New Details on Gwyneth Paltrow's Upcoming Glee Gig


Yes, Gleeks, Gwyneth Paltrow will be on Glee.

Web rumors recently swirled that the Oscar-winning actress, 38, was in talks to join the hit Fox show, but creator Ryan Murphy confirms to it is a done deal.

"Yes, it’s true!" he told Us Sunday as he accepted an ACLU Award in L.A.'s Brentwood neighborhood. "She is a fan of the show."

What will she do? "She is going to be playing a substitute teacher who Matt Morrison’s character falls for," Murphy tells Us. "She will be doing 3 or 4 solos."

How did the deal come about?

"She is a friend of mine and I admire her," says Murphy, who directed her in 2006's Running With Scissors. "I said, 'If I write a part for you, will you do it?' Ad she said, 'Yes!'"

Paltrow - who sings in her December drama Country Strong - can carry a tune, Murphy insisted.

"She is so talented and good at it," Murphy told Us. "She’s really excited.”

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