'Glee' star Jane Lynch, Arnold Schwarzenegger joke around at Alzheimer's walk

Hi, Ann Oldenburg here, checking in from Long Beach, Calif. where Maria Shriver has taken over the Convention Center for her annual Women's Conference.

The Glee star hoofed it around the Long Beach waterfront under drizzly evening skies with about 2,000 fund-raising participants of Shriver's 5K March on Alzheimer's. Also on hand were stars including Peter Gallagher, Soleil Moon Frye, Jane Fonda, Hector Elizondo, Dixie Chick Natalie Maines, and celeb chef Paula Deen.

It isn't easy to pose for photos while you're walking, but Lynch managed to pull it off, as fans would trot up next to her, get a pal to snap the photo and then drop back into the trail of walkers. Lynch had her own friends flanking her, which kept anyone from getting too close for too long, but she said a friendly "hello" and "thanks" to the many adoring Gleeks who approached her.

Before the march started, she and Jane Fonda - "the two Janes!" - warmed up the crowd with some stretching exercises. Fonda played it straight showing the crowd how to bend, and Lynch yelled, "Oh yeah," hamming it up and adding, "If it looks dirty, you're doing it right!"

Offstage, Lynch said she hadn't yet seen the Rocky Horror episode of Glee airing Tuesday. And she batted around the idea of a Glee movie, saying, "I think we should absolutely have a Glee movie!" Her vision of it: "Maybe we go to Croatia. Or other worlds."

Other March highlights:

-Fellow Glee star Amber Riley, who came to sing for the closing ceremony, was less jovial than Lynch, clamming up and turning away when asked about the recent GQ cover controversy featuring three Glee stars in racy poses.

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