Glee Takes On Rocky Horror: Preparation, Expectations And Predictions


“I would like, if I may, to take you on a strange journey…”

This Tuesday Glee will air its “Rocky Horror” tribute episode, and to properly prepare you for the invasion of sweet transvestites, here is a brief guide to the world of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Following the guide are some potential Glee “Rocky” scenarios and a sneak peek at the songs that will be featured.

The Characters
• Brad, a hero engaged to Janet (Finn)
• Janet, a heroine engaged to Brad (Rachel)
• Riff Raff, a handyman, brother of Magenta (Kurt)
• Rocky, a creation and Frank-N-Furter’s lover (Sam)
• Magenta, a domestic, sister of Riff-Raff (Quinn and Santana)
• Dr. Frank-N-Furter, a scientist (Mercedes)
• Eddie, ex-delivery boy, Columbia’s boyfriend and former boy-toy of Frank-N-Furter (Carl)
• Dr. Everett V. Scott, a rival scientist and also Brad and Janet’s professor (Artie)
• Columbia, a groupie and girlfriend of Eddie (Brittany and Tina)

“The Rocky Horror Picture Show”: The Story
On a dark, dreary, rainy night a newly engaged young couple’s car breaks down. The couple, Brad Majors and Janet Weiss, are majorly screwed because it’s 1975 and Zack Morris’ giant cell phone is still another 10 years away. The two under the blanket of Janet’s newspaper umbrella (See? Newspapers are good for something. Your iPad will just electrocute you if it gets wet.) make their way to a secluded mansion in search of a landline phone. Commence screaming. Done? I know, anyone who still has a landline phone frightens me too.

As Brad and Janet approach, up in the mansion’s tower sings Riff Raff, a hunchback man who makes Donald Trump’s combover look positively sexy in comparison.

Brad and Janet make their way inside the mansion and find a roaring party. They are inundated with songs of “Time Warping” (later they will wished they had time warped to 1985 and borrowed Zack’s phone) and “Sweet Transvestites”. The couple meets scientist Dr. Frank-N-Furter and his menagerie of lovers and helpers. It should be noted that all are former residents of the planet Transexual, Transylvania and lack green cards so, it’s safe to say they’re illegal aliens. ‘wink’ ‘wink’

During the course of the film
, Brad and Janet meet Frank-N-Furter’s ‘Charles Atlas Seal of Approval’ creation Rocky, proceed to sex it up like a couple of swingers, and participate in a synchronized swimming orgy tribute to Fay Wray until Frank-N-Furter meets his untimely demise.
Glee’s “Rocky” Spin
It’s safe to say Glee’s tribute to “Rocky Horror” won’t be nearly as risqué, but Glee could put a PG-13 spin on several key issues the film addresses.

Sexual tension: Runs rampant in both “Rocky Horror” and McKinley High. In the film, the characters of Brad and Janet give in to absolute pleasure. Could Rachel and Finn be inching closer to wandering beyond second base?

Jealousy and Insecurity: Riff Raff, Frank-N-Furter’s handy man, is completely insecure and xtremely jealous of Rocky. (Spoiler alert) After Riff Raff kills Frank-N-Furter and Rocky, he screams to Magenta, “They didn’t like me. They never liked me!” Glee’s Kurt is portraying Riff Raff and Sam is going to be Rocky. Sounds like this episode may reveal Kurt’s hidden jealousy of the new guy Sam.

Drunk with Power: Frank-N-Furter’s discovery to the secret of life itself makes him go Frankenberry sugar high buckwild. Does Mercedes, who will be portraying Frank, make a social power play and spirals out-of-control?

Also I am curious as to what Sue Sylvester’s role will be in all of this. Honestly, I think she would have made an excellent Riff Raff too. I could hear her now, exclaiming “And now, Frank-N-Furter, your time has come. Say good-bye to all of this... and hello to oblivion.”
Not everyone is excited to see Glee take on “Rocky Horror.” Some people are posting their concerns over Glee sanitizing the original by changing the lyrics in songs like “Toucha Toucha Touch Me.” Lyric changes include...
• “Heavy petting” becomes “heavy sweating,”
• “bed-fretting” changes to “seat-wetting,"
• “And if anything grows” is now “And if anything shows.”
Some fans are also pissed that Transexual, Transylvania is referred to as Sensational, Transylvania. Why can the Glee kids still sing “sweet transvestite”, but they can’t sing from “Transexual, Transylvania”?

There is also the issue of Mercedes playing Frank-N-Furter. While I think Mercedes has a great voice, I’ll admit I am a little put-off by the fact that she will be playing the one and only Frank. The character is supposed to be played by a male (original was Tim Curry). Having a female like Mercedes negates the cross-dressing and homosexual relationships with Rocky, Eddie and Brad, essentially changing the whole dynamic of the character. I personally would have loved to have seen Puck take on the role of Frank-N-Furter. The two characters are very similar, both possessing strong personalities, the deft ability to manipulate people and letting the end justify the means.

Sneak Peak at Music Featured
• Finn and Rachel – “Dammit, Janet” originally by Brad and Janet (Barry Bostwick and Susan Sarandon)
• Artie and Kurt with Glee cast – “Time Warp” originally by “Rocky Horror” ensemble cast.
• Carl – “Whatever Happened to Saturday Night” originally by Eddie (Meat Loaf)
• Emma - “Touch-a Touch-a Touch-a Touch Me” – originally by Janet Weiss (Susan Sarandon)
• Quinn with Glee cast - “Science Fiction Double Feature”
• Rachel and Finn with Glee cast - “There’s a Light (Over at the Frankenstein Place)” originally by Brad and Janet (Barry Bostwick and Susan Sarandon)
• Mercedes - “Sweet Transvestite” originally by Frank-N-Furter (Tim Curry)

The "Rocky Horror" episode of Glee airs Tuesday, October 26 at 8:00 PM ET on Fox.

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