Lea Michele Misses New York City!

Glee's Lea Michele has admitted that she finds living in Los Angeles very difficult and can feel quite unhappy.

Lea grew up in New York City and is often homesick for the city, telling The Herald Sun that she feels like she can't be herself in Los Angeles.

She said: "I miss [New York]. A lot of kids go through life trying to figure out who they are. But when you grow up in New York, you figure it out, because you can be yourself there.

"I feel like you can't be yourself in Los Angeles. It's very pretty when you visit, but if you're a real New Yorker, it's hard to live in Los Angeles."

She added: “I don't like to do a lot of the things that girls like to do here. I don't go to clubs. I have a very quiet life."

1 commenti:

Anonymous said...

She never said she was unhappy. She just said she prefers NY, it is her home.

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