GLEE: Mark Salling Tells Us If Puck Wants Quinn… And What About Rachel?

GLEE fans have not seen Mark Salling for a few weeks now since Puck has been M.I.A., but he returns to the show this week and, in honor of the occasion, GIVE ME MY REMOTE got some quality time with him.

He messes with us (and our camera) a bit, but when the subject of Puck and Quinn is raised, Salling gets serious. Does Puck want to be with Quinn, even though she’s not carrying his child anymore?

We get an honest, thoughtful, straightforward answer from the actor and he weighs in on whether the pairing of Puck and Rachel is a thing of the past or a future possibility too…



2 commenti:

Dave and Ashley said...

atleast Mark gives a slight bit of hope to us Puckleberry lovers!

Anonymous said...

it's obvious that writers are derailing puck/quinn storyline. it's deliberate not showing puck's reaction on quinn closeness to sam. what's up with that! it's just funny seeing puck/quinn paired up during musical numbers. i hope there's a BIG explanation behind it. even mark said puck wants to be with quinn.

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