Dianna Agron Spills About Her On-Screen And Off-Screen Interest Besides Alex Pettyfer: Photography!

Dianna Agron and Alex Pettyfer are obviously in a photography darkroom in this new 'I Am Number Four' pic, but it's no coincidence. In the book, Dianna's character Sarah is a photography buff. And when we visited the movie's set in Pittsburgh over the summer, we discovered it's also one of Dianna's passions in real life (how's that for perfect casting?). Allow us to 'shed some light' on Sarah's and Dianna's love for photography.

"Similar to Sarah I kind of picked up the camera in high school because I was a photographer for the yearbook and I loved it then," she said.

When Dianna was in real-life high school, back in the early 2000's, she worked in her school's dark room too. She told us that they only worked with film though; there was no high-tech digital stuff like today's photographers are lucky enough to have. Because of high developing prices back then and the fact that digital cameras were only used by people who could afford them (it was almost 10 years ago), Dianna had to make wise photographer decisions.

"With digitals now there's not really a concern for costs or anything like that," she explained. "My mom was like, 'Okay you can have this film but you have to processs it and do whatever' -- you had to be very selective about things."

So what about her photography skills now? "My love for it has grown, I have six cameras now and I'm always looking for another new toy."

In fact, Dianna's love for photography helped inspire her to take the part in 'I Am Number Four.'

"I read the script and was like "oh that's fun" because I'll be able to actually take photos during the experience, and I have been. They've used some of them in my room and in the dark room (scenes), it is just a little added fun bonus."

You can actually check out Dianna's real life photography not only in the film but also on her personal blog where she posts a lot of her work too.

Are you into photography like Sarah/Dianna? Will you go check out 'I Am Number Four' and peep Dianna's work when it comes out in theaters on February 18th? Let us know.

source: jsyk.com

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