Hailee Steinfeld: My Embarrassing Run-In with Lea Michele!

Hailee Steinfeld is a star in her own right but that doesn’t mean she won’t get starstruck once in a while!

“When I was auditioning for True Grit, I was on the Paramount lot. I was wearing clothes from the 1800s that were big and uncomfortable,” the 14-year-old actress recalls to J-14.

When she saw Lea Michele there filming Glee, “I walked up to her and asked for her autograph, but she walked by and a guy came and said, ‘Sorry, now’s not a good time!’”

“So I had to walk all the way back to the car wearing what I was wearing. I was practically crying on the way home. I was so sad!” Hailee said.

source: justjaredjr.buzznet.com

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