Central Park Patrons React to Lea Michele's PETA Ad

Horse-drawn carriage rides through Central Park can be romantic and old fashioned, making them a staple among tourists visiting New York City. But 'Glee' star Lea Michele believes the Big Apple can do without the sight of carriages and has joined People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) in a campaign to end the practice. Michele urges people to boycott the activity, claiming the horses are "raised in terrible living conditions and forced to do hard physical labor all day, seven days a week -- whether it's sweltering hot or freezing cold outside."

PopEater wondered what people on the street thought about Michele's PETA ad, so we trekked to Central Park on a frigid winter afternoon to see their reactions to the new campaign. Our fingers and toes were frozen after just 30 minutes in the cold, so we can only imagine how the horses must feel.

Watch Central Park patrons react to the PETA video @

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