Cosmo Defends Racy Lea Michele Cover

"Michele is a grown woman and Cosmopolitan is a magazine for adults," Hearst says of the Glee star.
Cosmopolitan magazine is defending a sexy cover mage of Lea Michele, in which the Glee star bares considerable cleavage.

After some parents fumed it was inappropriate, Hearst released a statement to Fox, "We’re thrilled to feature Lea Michele on the March cover of Cosmopolitan magazine and think she looks stunning. Michele is a grown woman and Cosmopolitan is a magazine is for adults."

In October, Michele and her co-stars Dianna Agron and Cory Monteith came under fire for a racy GQ cover, which the Parents Television Council criticized as "near pornographic pedophilia." (Agron went on to apologize, Michele did not.)

The show's creator Ryan Murphy recently told The Hollywood Reporter that the stars had "learned a lesson" about appearing scantily-clad in magazines.

"We all realized that we have to be a little more careful when it comes to sexuality,” he said.


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