Exclusive: Ashley Finks Chats ‘Glee’ & Explains Justin Timberlake ‘Diss’

We’ve all seen Santana and Lauren Zizes’ epic Glee girl fight by now, but what was it like actually roughing up Naya Rivera?
Ashley Fink chatted exclusively with Celebuzz about the fisticuffs that were thrown, joining the Glee summer tour, which co-star’s world she wants to rock and much more.

“Frickin’ hysterical,” is how Ashley described filming the fight scene. “We had this big stunt rehearsal [because it was choreographed], and when did it, we just went so hard! The lockers share a wall with the choir room, and I pushed her into the lockers so hard that the books on the shelf in the next room fell over. We didn’t even get bruised — ain’t nothin’ but a G thang!”

Ashley also shared the secret of her success, which you can read after the jump!Celebuzz broke the news that Ashley would be joining the rest of the Glee cast on their tour this summer, and according to Ashley, it’s all because she holds the door open for old people.


“This week I was hanging out with John Stamos, hanging out with Gwyneth Paltrow, hanging out with Stevie Nicks, there were seven Glee songs in the iTunes top 10, all because I always hold the door open for old people. It’s good karma! If I see someone that slams the door in another person’s face I say ‘That’s why you’re not on Glee!’”

Ashley also got to make out with hottie Mark Salling in the most recent episode, and the two busted out an unlikely jingle while getting their mack on:

“The director kept telling us to ‘kiss a little longer,’ so Mark literally started singing the Big Red theme song. It was hysterical.”

Since she’s got Puck down, Celebuzz asked which other co-star she’d like to make out with:
Kevin McHale! I would rock Kevin’s world! I would make out with Artie, I mean. It has nothing to do with my love for Kevin. I would sit on his wheelchair and rock his world.”
We also asked Ashley what an episode of Glee would be like if she were at the creative helm:
“I would love to have Sarah Rue on and Chris [Colfer] and I have been dying to get the Scissor Sisters on. It’d be like Roseanne, Seth Green, punk rock — I think my episode would be too crazy. And I want to duet ‘Pour Some Sugar on Me’ with Mark!’”

Other juice tidbits Ashley was able to offer? The Warblers and the New Directions gang will be “mixing” together in the upcoming episodes and Justin’s “diss” was more of a scheduling thing:

“They couldn’t get clearance in time and they wanted to use three songs for a mash up, so it was easier to just use other music.”

source: celebuzz.com

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