Spoilers for 2x20 "The Prom Queen”
Ausiello has confirmed that Jesse will be back in this episode and will stay on the show until the season finale. According to Ausiello, Jesse is back to apologize to Rachel and will try to win her back.[3]Filming has begun for this episode.[4]
This is most likely the Prom episode, with 2x17, 2x18, and 2x19 being episodes with prom preparation.
Some scenes filmed are [5]:
- Finn/Rachel scene in the hall. Finn tells Rachel he heard Jesse was coming back to perform with them at prom, and Rachel tells him that Will wants a break, so Jesse is there to help.
- Sam, Mercedes, Rachel, and Jesse are going to prom together as friends not as couples. The scene also mentioned a prom budget.
- Rachel tells Finn to get Quinn something simple (in terms of corsage), nothing that will distract from her face, and a light green ribbon to match her eyes.
- Rachel also tells Finn that he needs to respect whoever she dates.
This episode is being directed by guest director Eric Stoltz who also directed ‘Duets’ and ‘Blame it on the Alcohol’.[6]
Santana and Dave might go to the Prom together.[7]
They filmed a scene with Mercedes and Rachel. Mercedes is crying over not having a date to the prom. Rachel doesn’t have one either so she suggests they go together.[8]There is a random couple that is making out, it rubs in the fact that they don’t have dates.[9]
Finn feels like he has no dignity because Quinn has him handing out pins to vote for them as prom king and queen. [10]
Jesse is actually helping New Directions this time. Why he is helping is unknown and how he comes to help them is unknown.[11]
The cast filmed the scene for “Don’t Stop” (this scene may be in 2x19). [12]
Iqbai Theba revealed via Twitter that he gets to read the script for 2.20 on 4/4/2011.[13] His reasoning for getting the script late was that he was on a trip with his family and thus didn’t recieve it.[14]
Dianna (Quinn) tweeted about Mark (Puck) having a guitar solo.[15]
Ian Brennan said that the Kurt and Karofsky storyline will be addressed in the final five or six episode.[16]
Prom preparations + the race for prom court result in some fun Finchel moments. And some hilarious Finn material.[17]
Finn and Quinn’s relationship will begin to unravel.[18]
There is a flashback to the 70’s and it involves an African American male and a pretty blonde girl. [19]
Rachel will be going with a group of friends to prom.[20]
Lea (Rachel) filmed a scene with Chris (Kurt) and Chord (Sam). [21]
Sam, Rachel and Mercedes will have a scene together. [22]
Chris (Kurt) and Max (Karofsky) filmed some scenes together [23]
Will and Emma will go to prom but it is unknown if they are going together [24]
Jonathon Groff begins filming next week. [25]
There is rumored to be a song sung by Jesse and Rachel [26]
They have begun filming portions of the prom [27]
A scene will take place at Breadstix. [28]
Lea tweeted about recording a song , Had so much fun in the recording studio today! So thrilled to be getting to sing some of my all time favorite songs!!.. Might be in this or the next episode.
Lea tweeted about a scene in the choir room.[29]
Ausiello tells us that Jesse will be back, but his motives for coming back may not be to woo Rachel (though he still may do so). He has nothing evil planned, but has come back to help a “friend”. [30]
Lea tweeted that she was singing a song with her best friend today (April 12th). Whom she’s referring to is unknown, but it’s most likely Jonathan as she has a history of refering to him as her best friend.
The prom will be filmed over the next 3 days. [31]
The first day of Prom filming involved a song. The song has been confirmed to be Rebecca Black’s ‘Friday’. [32][33]
Figgins is at the prom. [34]
Puck, Artie, and Sam sing Friday. [35]
Jesse is not involved in Friday. [36]
Friday will be sung with an “Opposite Sex Twist.” [37]
Blaine and Kurt will start to face problems in their relationship due to being at separate schools, but according to the article that doesn’t change the fact that they deeply care for each other. [38]
Over 200 extras were on set for the first day of Prom filming. [39]
Casting for the ‘70’s African-American boy’ have closed and Malcolm David Kelley was chosen. [40]
Iqbal confirmed the episodes title as ‘The Prom Queen’.[41]
A group of adults attend the prom. The backround Crew Members are filling these roles.[42]
Chris Colfer was at the Prom.[43][44]
Blaine is attending the prom.[45]
Both Brad and Lea confirmed the Rachel/Quinn duet.[46][47][48]
Rachel and Sam will dance together at prom.[49] There will be multiple dramas at prom.[50] Finn will not be at prom the whole night.[51][52]
Jesse will attend part of the prom.[53]
Finn still has strong feelings for Rachel.[54]
Rachel remains at prom the entire night.[55]
Rachel will have her hands full during prom, and there will be a short exchange with Sue.[56]
Kurt and Dave “interact” at prom.[57]
Brittany attends the prom with Artie.[58]
Finn and Jesse will fight over Rachel at prom and end up getting kicked out by Sue, who is a chaperone at the event.[59]
Quinn and Rachel will not be chasing after them and stay to enjoy the prom.[60]
Burt is in this episode.[61]
There will be a prom king and queen crowned. Not two kings. Blaine is not the king.[62]
The dresses: Santana’s is red, Brittany’s is short and lime green, Lauren’s is midnight blue, Mercedes’ is purple, Rachel’s is pink and tea-length.[63]
The suits: Artie’s suit is red velour. We’ve seen pictures of Puck’s, Blaine’s, and Mike’s.[64]
Three songs are performed at prom: Dancing Queen, Friday, and Blaine sings (without the Warblers, song unknown).[65]
Brittany cheers for Santana who is running for prom queen.[66]
The cast is now on a break until tuesday (April 19) which is when the 2 part Nationals episode will begin filming.[67]
Will and Emma dance together at Prom.[68]
Finn, Kurt, Blaine and Burt have a scene together at the Hudson/Hummel residence. Its assumed they are preparing for the prom together.[69]
Kurt and Blaine dance together. It’s very adorable and sweet. And at the end of the dance they hug. Source
Rachel and Sam will dance together at prom. Source
Tina and Mike have a dance together. Source
Prom won’t be reshot. Since the person who’ll announce the Prom King and Queen (Iqbal Theba) isn’t filming. Source Nicole Crowther also tweeted that the reshooting has nothing to do with the problem she caused. Source
There will be a scene with all the guys. This could either be in this episode or 2x21.Source
- Friday by Rebecca Black. Sung by Puck, Artie and Sam.[70][71][72]
- Dancing Queen by ABBA. Sung by Mercedes and Santana.[73]
- TBA by TBA. Sung by Blaine.[74]
New Directions continues to strategize their set list for Nationals with a little help from Jesse St. James (guest star Jonathan Groff). Meanwhile, an unexpected loss rocks the world of one of McKinley’s own.[1]
Two episodes will be filmed in New York, one will feature Nationals.[2]
Seeing as there is a 6-episode arc, and Nationals is the finale of the season, this will be the 21st episode. This will take place in new york. Glee is scheduled to finish filming May 5th, this means that Nationals will be filmed on or before this day. Ian Brennan said that the Kurt and Karofsky storyline will be addressed in the final five or six episodes. Ausiello has confirmed that Jesse will be back in this episode and will stay on the show until the season finale.
According to Ausiello, Jesse is back to apologize to Rachel and will try to win her back.
Amber was in the studio recording a song that was hard to sing. [3]
Lea recorded a song that made her cry, and later tweeted that it made her squirt. [4]
Cory recorded a song by a Swedish artist. [5]
There will be a death of a beloved character in this episode. [6]
It’s not Karofsky,nor anyone from New Directions. [7]
In A Night Of Neglect, Sunshine has to convince New Directions that she can help them get to the NATIONALS. Rachel is suspicious, and with good reason: Could Sunshine just be out for revenge? Glee Executive producer, Ian Brennan isn’t spililing: “Sunshinewill play a big role in the last two episodes” , referring to the Nationals Episodes. [8]
The “whole cast” is going to NYC. [9]
Whether this is just refering to The ND cast or theentire Glee cast is uncertain. Naya said she finished recording one of her favorite songs. [10]
Adam confirmed on Twitter that they doing a crazy Mash-up. Source
Glee is looking for someone to play Becky Jackson’s Mother (Donna Jackson) and a Priest. Source
With Becky’s mother appearing, it’s possible that Becky, her mother, or someone related to her is the one who will die. Source
Lea was in the studio again, waiting to sing another song. Source 1 Source 2
This was said 4 hours after Adam Anders ‘Mashup’ comment. This it’s most likely the crazy mashup. Source
Cory retweeted Lea’s comment, he may have also recorded but its unconfirmed.Source
A major couple will break up. Source
Rachel, Mercedes, Jesse, Kurt and Santana will have a fun scene together. This could be in this episode or The Prom Queen. Source
“Sources confirm to me exclusively that this season’s penultimate episode, which bears the ominous title “Funeral,” is about the death of several things. One being a beloved character. The other being a major couple.” [[2]]
TBA by TBA Sung by Mercedes.
TBA by TBA Sung by Rachel.
TBA by TBA Sung by Finn.
TBA by TBA Sung by Santana.
TBA/TBA by TBA. Sung by Rachel and Finn.
thanks to ontd-glee: 2x20, 2x21
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