Stevie Nicks talks Glee on AfterEllen! was recently invited to participate in a group interview with Stevie Nicks, who has been on tour in support of In Your Dreams, her first album in a decade. Nicks spoke to a group of LGBT journalists (their questions are also included below) about her extensive songbook, the current tour, her gay fan base and, of course, Glee.

When it was my turn to ask a question, I naturally led with Brittana. As you can see by her answer to that question and the others pertaining to the show, Nicks is a hardcore fan who is invested in all of the character's storylines. In this engaging interview with six journalists who were all unabashed and longtime fans, Nicks talked about her musical career, her favorite song on the new CD and why she's considering writing a memoir.

On how she feels about her music reaching an entirely new audience of (very young) fans via Glee:

It's pretty thrilling. First of all, I had been watching Glee from the very beginning. And, like we all do, we have our favorite TV shows that we totally look forward to. And if we can’t watch them that night we make sure we tape them.

And so I have been watching Glee since it first came on. So when I found out that they were doing "Landslide," and that Gwyneth Paltrow was going to come in and play her Holly Holiday character and she was going to sing it and Santana and Brittany were going to sing with her, I was just so knocked out. And I said, "Well, can I go?"

I am in LA and people said, "Well, sure you can." So I went. And I hung out there for six or seven hours and really spent the whole day with them and sat with the writers and watched them film it over and over again from every different angle and was so, first of all, just thrilled to be there, and thrilled that I got to interact with all the kids whom I can hardly call by their real names, because to me they have become the characters.

And to just totally sit there and enjoy that; and then the greatest thing was when it was over, when they were done, they all came and like grouped around me. And Lea Michelle, Rachel, said, "You know what? Nobody has ever done this. I mean how many great old songs from the ‘70s and the ‘80s and the ‘60s have we done? And nobody, none of those artists have ever called us or come down or sent us some roses or anything, or taken any kind of notice whatsoever that we did like an amazing version of I don’t know, let’s just pick one, 'Jessie’s Girl.' That nobody ever, ever acknowledged that." And I thought that was so sad.

So, of course I sent them huge flowers. And then when they did the Rumours thing — what a favor they did for me by putting that out the same day that my record came out. I thought that was like so lovely of them. So I sent more flowers to my Glee children. And I said, "A day without Glee is like a day without sunshine." And so I have a real relationship with them now. And I really treasure it.

On whether she'd like to see Brittany and Santana end up together on Glee:

As the "always about love" person, I want — in the story, of course — I want them to be happy whoever they are with. So if that is going to be Santana and Brittany, then I am thrilled. If that is going to be Artie and Brittany, then I am thrilled. It’s like I don’t really have an opinion because I am looking at it as a real story.

And in real stories things work out because of what is in the hearts of man, you know? I don’t look at it as I want it to work out because it is a gay relationship on TV. Or I want it to work out because it’s a relationship with a guy in a wheelchair. I want it to work out because it is right for the characters.

I want the storyline — I want them to all be happy. So I don’t have a preference of how I want it to end up. And also I don’t really — I always want to be surprised, because I am a writer. So coming from a writer’s point of view I want to never know what is going to happen.

Read the Full Interview at After

Thanks to Mark @LogoTV for the tip!

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