E!Online Spoilery Chat!

deejaykfm (a.k.a. our very own allsparksburn): Any info on the Santana and Sugar rivalry? Or just any general information on either of them would be fantastic. Thanks!
Rivals? Actually, they'll be teaming up. But don't worry, it's not as diabolical as you think. And it has nothing to do with the Brittana situation. See next question.

NayaRSourceCOM: Anything about Brittana (Brittany/Santana) on Glee?
From what we hear, Brittany (Heather Morris) and Santana (Naya Rivera) finally getting together isn't a Will-Emma zero-to-relationship thing. We'll get a sweet little scene and a moment Brittana fans have been wanting for a long time.

Jessie: This Glee hiatus is killing me. Please give me a scoopy bit to help with the wait.
Two scoopy bits for the price of one! You're welcome. A character we haven't seen since last season pops up in the next episode. And there is trouble ahead for one of these three couples: Will-Emma, Mercedes-Marcus, Mike-Tina.

source: eonline.com

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