Harry Shum for GQ: The Man with No Bones

(photo credit: Mei Tao/GQ)

Though he confidently pops and locks for millions of Glee viewers, Harry Shum Jr. isn't the guy who busts into the worm on a crowded dance floor. "I'm actually really shy," claims Shum, whose moves helped him transform a small part—another character refers to him as "the other Asian"—into a starring role. "I'd rather dance in a corner than dance in a circle." You'd never know it to watch him strut across the New Directions stage with an almost unnatural fluidity. (His nickname from Step Up 3D: the Man with No Bones.) How did he learn to flap so gracefully? An early gig dancing on a BeyoncĂ© tour helped. From there, Steve Jobs's cronies paid him to do some faceless freestyling for Apple's silhouette commercials—and now his role in Glee keeps expanding. "It's been like a year and a half," Shum says, "since anybody's referred to me as 'the other Asian.' "


Thanks to Stefanie @ GQ Magazine!

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