10 Best 'Glee' Season Three Songs

Although it started out on a massive high note (seriously, remember how good the premiere was?), the third season of Glee slowly settled back into mediocrity as 2011 wore on, turning Quinn into a manic bitch, Finn into an aggressive outer and letting Puck's Mohawk grow out.

That last one might be the most egregious of all.

But even in its worst moments, Glee has never failed to deliver top notch songs. And these are, in (almost) no particular order, the Top 10 tracks that season three has served up ... so far!

Survivor/I Will Survive by The Troubletones (Episode: Hold on To Sixteen)
Glee spent its first two seasons building New Directions up and tearing them down with major musical losses (oh, Nationals you cruel mistress). But leave it to the show (that never seems to know what its fans want) to finally give Mr. Schue's team a victory when they least deserved it. The Troubletones absolutely should have won thanks to this mash-up at Sections.

Run the World (Girls) by Brittany (Episode: Asian F)
I don't know about you, but this flashmob-inspiring performance from Miss. Pearce during her McKinley Presidential campaign would have certainly locked up my vote.

Jolene by Coach Beiste (Episode: I Kissed a Girl)
We heard a snippet of Shannon's singing when she performed One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer with Will in season two, but this was the first time her vocal stylings got a proper platform and I thought she nailed the emotional ballad.

We Got The Beat by New Directions (Episode: The Purple Piano Project)
The first song in this year's premiere was meant to encourage characters to join New Directions while also remind audiences of what Glee was capable of. It was more successful at the latter.

Constant Craving by Santana and Shelby (Episode: I Kissed A Girl)
Santana really stepped into the spotlight this season, and Naya Rivera's beautiful performance of this emotional track paired perfectly with Idina Menzel's Tony-winning pipes.

ABC by Tina and New Directions (Episode: Hold on to Sixteen)
When Rachel Berry was disqualified from performing at Sectionals, Mr. Schue (or, more realistically, creator Ryan Murphy) looked to an unlikely replacement: Tina. For that reason alone, this song snagged a slot.

Spotlight by Mercedes (Episode: Asian F)
New Directions' resident diva got three major song showcases this season: It's All Over, All I Want For Christmas Is You and this Jennifer Hudson jam, which was my personal favorite. Although you can't go wrong with any of them.

River by Rachel (Episode: Extraordinary Merry Christmas)
Believe it or not, this was the only solo Rachel Berry got this season -- so I don't know what Mercedes was making such a big deal about! I kid, I kid. But better late than never, because this Joni Mitchell cover was simply stunning.

We Are Young by New Directions (Episode: Hold On to Sixteen)
This was the season's second best song as it not only introduced an unknown track to the masses, but recaptured the joy that Glee used to be known for in season one. It was a totally "impromptu" performance that still gives me chills.

Rumor Has It/Someone Like You by The Troubletones (Episode: Mash Off)
2011 was the Year of Adele, so it's no surprise that she's helped the ladies snag the top spot. But I was surprised by how well her two songs complimented one another in this emotional yet perky mash up!

source: theinsider.com

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