Attention, Glee Fans: Prepare for a Wet and Wild Wemma Wedding Proposal!

It's almost time, Will and Emma fans: Wedding bells! Rings! Bended knee! Can you feel all the magic in the air?

Except the big proposal that Gleeks have been waiting three seasons for has been kept under lock and key, so we're not even sure Will's big gesture will include rings or bended knees. In fact, we're not even sure she'll say yes! Enter Matthew Morrison and Jayma Mays to shed some light on the big moment...

Today's word of the day: water.

Why? Because that's one major hint we got about the proposal from Morrison last night on the red carpet at the Fox TCA All-Star party.

"There is water involved," he tells us coyly. In what context, we're not sure yet. Matt jokingly offered up this suggestion: "I might walk on water."

Well, there is a big storyline about the synchronized swim team. Maybe the proposal involves words being spelled out using bodies in the water? That'd be...different.

Regardless of the how and the when and the what, Wemma fans will just be happy to see him putting a ring on it.

Carin Baer/FOX
"I'm so excited," Matt gushes. "I think the Wemma fans are going to be so excited about this. And it's done in a way that I know I've never seen in my entire life. It's going to be awesome!"

You know who else is pumped for a Wemma wedding? The other half of Wemma. "I'm excited, too!" Jayma Mays says. "I mean, this has been kind of three years now—three seasons of wanting them to be together...Timing-wise, I think we're right there."

Plus, she'll be singing in this episode, which is rarity for Emma. "I usually get really scared and nervous because I'm not a singer, but I was less scared this time and it was more fun," Jayma tells us.

As for the future of other characters on the show, on board with Fox boss Kevin Reilly's news that the Glee spinoff was dead but the seniors would be coming back. "I'm happy because he also said the characters are going to still be on the show in some capacity. I want the people we started with to be the people we end with, too. I think that would be really important."

Well said, sir.

Wemma fans, we only have about one week before the big proposal! Is that enough time to gird your loins? Any guesses as to how water will be involved?


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