Glee Star Walks Out of Eclipse Premiere!

Glee's Heather Morris better have a good excuse for walking out of the theater during the Los Angeles premiere of Eclipse!

The actress, who plays cheerleader Brittany on the hit Fox show, recently told us why she rushed out of the Twilight blockbuster, and it's not because she's not a fan...

"The movie was good!" Morris explained to us at the Inaugural Thirst Project Gala in Los Angeles Tuesday. "It sucked because it went late and I had to go to the airport to pick up my friend so I had to leave like halfway through the movie. I felt so rude!"

Despite her premature departure, Morris is an avid fan of the Twilight Saga. "I love the books," she said. "I love Stephenie Meyer. And I like Kristen Stewart a lot."

As for her favorite Eclipse hottie, the Glee star admitted, "I was Team Edward in all the books, but I think in the movies I'm Team Lautner." Wonder if Taylor's lack of clothing has anything to do with that?

Later this month, Morris, along with show creator Ryan Murphy and a handful of other castmembers, will visit San Diego's Comic-Con for a panel discussion. Will they also treat fans to a special performance?

"Not that I know of," admitted Morris. "Well, actually, the day before they'll text me and they'll be like, 'You're going to perform tomorrow so just get ready!' "


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