HALLOWEEN SPOILER ALERT! Mark Salling Tells Us The ‘Glee’ Guys Are Going To Be Power Rangers!

Forget the Rocky Horror Picture Show! This Halloween, the boys from Glee are dressing up to kick butt!

The guys from Glee are no strangers to playing to dress up! We’ve seen them go Gaga, kick it old school with Britney, and we’re dying to see their Rocky Horror Picture Show rendition. But after the racy GQ scandal, Hollywoodlife.com wanted to know how primetime’s favorite guys were going to dress for Halloween and Mark Salling gave us the inside dish on his Glee co-stars’ hilarious costume choices.

“Some of the Glee guys and I thought of going as Power Rangers,” the 28-year-old performer told reporters at his solo album release party at Blackberry’s BBM Lounge in Hollywood Oct. 22. “But I don’t know if that will actually happen.”

We hope it does! Who wouldn’t want to see Puck, Finn, and Mr. Schuester don some spandex and play super heroes for a night? We wonder which five guys of the cast will be banding together with lasers and light beams to stop crime this Halloween!


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