Jane Lynch does her own racy photo shoot


Jane Lynch will not be outdone by her "Glee" co-stars.

After a week of tongues wagging about the sexed-up photo shoot Lea Michele and Dianna Agron did for GQ, Lynch counters with her own scantily clad pictures in More magazine. OK, so she's not the one who's scantily clad; it's the three male models around her, tending to her every need and performing a Cheerio-like routine while Lynch directs them.

jane-lynch-more-photo2.jpgIt's cheeky and funny -- sort of like Lynch herself. In the interview that accompanies the photos, she's a little more serious, talking among other things about her marriage to psychologist Lara Embry earlier this year.

"I shouldn't say this, but I'd never dated anyone that I wanted to marry," Lynch says. "I didn't think it was going to be out there for me. But the minute we were married, I felt the difference: I felt like I am no longer alone."

The 50-year-old Lynch also says she's been living sober for the past 19 years. She tells the magazine that when she was in her early 30s, she got tired of waking up hung over most mornings and just decided to stop. "Relatively speaking, my personal bottom was rather benign," she says, adding that her lows don't make for much of a tale at 12-step meetings. "Had I known I'd be telling my story over and over again," she jokes, "I would have made it a lot better."

The interview with Lynch is in the November issue of More, which hits stands Tuesday (Oct. 26).


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