Spoilery Chat with Kristin!

ammysin: Anything new on Blaine/Kurt on Glee? Can't get enough of those two!
Neither can we. That's why we were so psyched when Darren Criss told us that Blaine and Kurt (Chris Colfer) have real staying power. "They're in the honeymoon stage, and they've just recently gotten together, so that's really new and exciting like any new relationship is," he says to us. "I think [Blaine] has something really special with Kurt. It's not just a flash in the pan kind of crush."

Bagelsvswaffles: True or false: Tina from Glee has some kind of storyline coming up?
True. In fact, the "Night of Neglect" episode is all about those New Directions members who haven't been in the spotlight in awhile. "It's about people who have been neglected, and now they have the opportunity to show what they've got," Harry Shum Jr. tells us. Who has been on your Glee neglected list that you hope will soon get some serious screen time?

kec0309: I need more #Glee scoop! What can we expect when Jonathan Groff returns as Jesse St. James?
Even though our first assumption would be that Jesse is returning to woo Rachel, he has another motive up his sleeve (which is most likely a leather jacket sleeve, of cours). But don't worry, Jesse's motive isn't evil. He's just trying to help out a friend. But even if his motive was evil, who cares? The Groff is back!

YELYAHbosco: There is lots of speculation about Glee's Santana and her sexuality, any scoop on her upcoming storyline?
"She's definitely a lesbian," Brad Falchuk tells us, forever putting to rest the question of her sexuality. Now that we cleared that up, Santana won't be over Brittany anytime soon, so instead of dealing with it, she kind of runs from it. And she'll be running into the arms of…a dude.

Maggie in Lexington, Ky.: Glee, por favor!
The bosses over at Glee are looking to cast someone to play Jarod, a high school student with Down syndrome. Perhaps he'll have some kind of relationship with Becky (Lauren Potter)?

source: eonline.com

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