2x16 Original Songs' Script!

via ontd-glee:

A girl on gleeforum won the script for Original Song, and she has went though the script.

-------------------------Copy and Paste ---------------------------

But, here are a few things I noticed (not all are Klaine related) - in order as I go through the script/watch the episode. Direct quotes from the script/stage directions/etc are in italics.

-In the cast list, Tina does not have a last name and it lists Britney S. Pierce(I love that they include the S); Wes, David, Thad and Trent do not have last names

-one song was not included: “Back in My Arms” - Original Song

Act 1:

-First scene talks about the Warblers idly lounging on sofas, not doing homework; they throw up their , doesn’t mention B throwing the papers

-The script has a different verse of Misery than the one used on the show

-Pavarotti used to live in Miami, where he owned a Canary nightclub

-Pav and Kurt leave to watch Golden Girls, K is teaching P to sing the theme song

-some lines cut in “Only Child”

-some of Quinn’s voiceover about prom queen is cut

-When K/P whistle, it says K is applying all manner of ladyproduct to his face, not filing his nails

-Blackbird notes - It’s heartbreakingly beautiful; Genuinely moved, the Warblers one by one start to join in behind him. It’s simple, unadorned, and very emotional; A quiet moment. Kurt tries his best to buck up

-Kurt talks at the end of Blackbird about mourning for the rest of the calendar year but says they need to get ready for regionals; They all respectfully get into their positions, except for Blaine. PUSH IN on his face as he looks to Kurt, the wheels turning…

-Will’s long-running legal battle with PETA is that he wallpapered his house with chinchilla pelts

-Lines cut from Will/Sue including: “It doesn’t matter what song your Glee Club picks to sing. My Aural Intensity will best you, Will. You know why? Because you’re boring and derivative and I am an original.” This hits him. She walks out.

-cuts lines about having people in ND that play instruments

That’s the first act! More to come…“I forgot to include this in my script review of Act 1. This is at the beginning of the episode, the conversation between Kurt/Blaine after “Misery”

Act Two

-entire scene with Rachel/Quinn cut – includes original song “Back in My Arms” – Q tells R that she’s talented and doesn’t need the burden of a relationship, she should just concentrate on singing; some jabs about Rachel’s nose

-Warblers scene – cut lines about how real Warblers don’t sing alone (pic below)

-Notes about Kurt as duet partner: Everyone’s hand goes up. It’s unanimous. David SLAMS the gavel. DAVID: Decided. Everyone cheers, surrounds Kurt. He smiles at Blaine, mouths “thank you.” A moment.

-Trouty Mouth cut line: SAM: Okay. Can we just. Stop. Stop with the mouth jokes. I realize my mouth is unusually large. I know there’s a variety of animals that my lips make me sort of resemble.

-Finn/Quinn in hallway; line cut before she asks what he’s wearing to prom. FINN: I don’t want to get ahead of ourselves but can you imagine how awesome it would be to go to Nationals in New York? I heard you can actually buy a hot dog right on the street there. Right on the street.

-F/Q talking about prom and how they need to campaign; previous winner bought everyone Snuggies.

Act 3
- not many changes in this act; some minor line changes/deletions

-opens with t
he Kliss Scene (previously posted pics)

-another hilarious set of stage directions for “Hell to the No!” – pics below Everyone’s going apeshit; Mayhem; People are literally shitting themselves.

-when talking about Sue and what she’s doing to them: FINN: She’s started squeezing my nipples really hard and saying “a-ooo-ga.”

Act 4
-entire scene omitted (not included on the script, just says that scene 22 was omitted before this draft) – I’m curious to know what it was

-cut some dialogue with Sue/Will before the competition starts; comments about S coaching her Glee Club teams, comments about the judges, says judges will be eating out of her hand because she’s doing songs about Jesus

-scene 24 omitted

-some more swearing, this time about “Jesus is a Friend of Mine:” (see pic)

-Blaine tells Kurt about people who have literally died on stage before

-A quick conversation between Rachel/Mercedes before “Candles” where R passes out the battery-operated candles and tells M that they’re props for K’s song and they’ll know when to use them

-I think this is funny: the first line of “Candles:” WARBLERS: Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (pic)

-some changes in which lines K/B sing in “Candles”

-after “Raise Ur Glass:” The last chorus is followed by another huge ovation. As the Warblers take their final bows, Puck leans into Rachel. PUCK: Holy crap, they’re good. Rachel keeps clapping, but she knows Puck is right. The Warblers are going to be hard to beat. Off Kurt, bowing, smiling, blowing kisses to his friends we… END ACT FOUR

-deleted scene: Rachel runs out into alley outside stage door, Will follows. She’s worried about her song being too personal and exposing herself in front of everyone. Will tells her they can switch back to “Sing” by MCR, she says it’s a relief and will tell everyone. Then W asks if she really wants to give up her chance to show off her talents; she decides to sing and goes back inside; then it goes to the scene with R/F before “Get it Right”

-During GIR, K says his line about ND doing original songs, then R sings another verse, then BLAINE: It’s really good. They’re going to take this… – both teams have now made similar comments about each other (P to R; B to K)

-In “Loser Like Me” the stage directions indicate that Lauren gets the slushie machine, not Mike

The song screams to a finish. Will beams. They bow and hug. They did it.

-Some lines cut from the judges including: TAMMY JEAN ALBERTSON: Please! I’m just glad I didn’t bring my kids. My son Truck plays with Barbies. He is teetering on the brink!

-no changes in announcement of winner SLO-MO pandemonium. Hugs and kisses everywhere, leaps into the air, as the glee club explodes in jubilant thrills, as the Warblers politely deflate. Kurt looks to Blaine, who gives a pained shrug. Sue marches over, and in slo-motion, punches the Lieutenant Governor’s wife in the face.

-Push down through barren limbs in the overcast twilight, into a tiny grave. Emotional, Kurt throws dirt on a tiny casket. There is a handmade marker: PAVORATTI — 2010-2011

-I’m reposting because I love it: KURT: I know. But I really, really wanted to win. BLAINE: You did win. So did I. We got each other out of this. That beats a lousy trophy, don’t you think. A quiet moment. Blaine takes Kurt’s hand, and they walk together down the hill, a couple at last. (pic below)

-In the choir room after the call from Ms. Holliday, Santana says she finds it disturbing when seniors date, but she approves of W/H; W confirms they are seeing each other.

-deleted final scene with Q/R later that day, relates to earlier deleted scene. I can post those separately


Cut Quinn & Rachel Scenes From OS

“The first scene is right after Brittany and Santana open their lockers full of dirt, before the Warblers meeting where Kurt tells them about Pavarotti dying.”

The second scene is the last scene of the episode, after Rachel is named MVP.”

Source and Source

1 commenti:

Veshurik said...

Wow! Do you have a script in PDF?

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