Tweet Treats: Mark Salling Hangs in Texas, Plays with Snakes

While much of the cast has been off traveling the globe to promote Glee, soak up the sun, and work on other projects, Mark Salling has opted to return home to Texas for a little family bonding, snake-hunting, and Twitter updating. Here are a couple of choice tweets:

Mark_Salling (Puck): That's my boy (See photo below) Homeboy looks like a ladies man. Like owner, like dog!

Mark Salling's Dog

Mark_Salling This is my fish (See photo below) Um, congrats?Mark Salling Catches a Fish

Mark_Salling That's my bird (See photo below) This is starting to get weird. We kinda love it.
Mark Salling's Bird Mark_Salling East Texas adventures (See video below) Alright, someone needs to head back to Cali...

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