GLEE's Kurt finally got his first gay kiss - but not from the man he wanted.

Fans had expected camp Kurt (Chris Colfer) to finally get together with another gay student, Blaine, in the episode titled Never Been Kissed, which aired in the US last night.

But, instead he was smooched by McKinley High's homophobic bully Karofsky, leaving Kurt in shock.

Colfer admitted last week that he had been sworn to secrecy about the plot twist.

He said: "It's so big that we had a full meeting about it that we can't say anything.

"That's never happened before."

Glee Season 2 Episode 6
First kiss ... Mr Schuester give Coach Beiste a peck
The episode also saw teacher Mr Schuester (Matthew Morrison) launch a surprise of kiss of his own, landing Coach Beiste (Dot-Marie Jones) with her first smacker.

2 commenti:

Glee Fan said...

Never Been Kissed is my second favorite ep of the season 2 so far, mainly because of the surprise kiss. Everyone knew Kurt would be meeting his BF this episode and expected a kiss from him, but noooooo. He gets a forced kiss from the jock who has been bullying him. TV so rarely surprises me that I feel the need to praise the shows that still can.

Daniella said...

Well, I totally saw both kisses coming. It was pretty obvious. If you really love something, you should be able to love it for what it truly is. Glee really doesn't surprise me that often - unless you count the randomness and inconsistency.
What did surprise me was the quality of the episode, a level of quality not seen since the Pilot, in my opinion. OK, so, they still had their cheesy moments, like the slow-motion hand-holding through the corridor, but it's still Glee, so, that's to be expected. The important thing is that they really toned it down. What did surprise me was Coach Beiste's sexuality.
Don't get me wrong, I would have been just as surprised if she had turned out to be gay, because honestly, the jury was still out at that point. When I realised that Will was going to kiss her, I thought, "Aw, this will be so sweet and gross". However, they handled it beautifully and it actually wasn't gross at all. I sense the birth of a new ship. "Schubeiste", or "Beister". Yeah, Biester sounds good. What did surprise me was the lack of musical numbers thrown in just for the sake of it. Every song had a purpose. While Glee is still, in my view, a guilty pleasure show, this episode marks an important turning point putting it in the right direction towards becoming a genuinely good show;, the kind of show you guys already think it is; the kind of show it's always had the potential to be. Let's just hope it wasn't a fluke.

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