Jayma Mays Video Appearance and New Spoilery Interview!

Jayma Mays on Lopez Show (11/09/2010)


Jayma Mays Dishes on Man-Stealer Gwyneth Paltrow—and Tells Fans to Keep the Faith!

Think Glee's resident good girl Jayma Mays is all sweet and innocent and dipped in sugar and yumminess?

Well, OK, the sugary-sweet part is totally true. But the actress you know and love as Emma Pillsbury is totally ready to take down Gwyneth Paltrow in the next big episode of Glee—and a certain Twilight star during an online battle that is brewing this very moment...

First things first: Jayma needs your help! She's asking you to go here right now to help her beat the pants off of Peter Facinelli and Joan Cusack in a cookie bake-off to support Cookies for Kids' Cancer. It's an excellent cause that raises funds for pediatric cancer research, and Jayma is hosting a live, virtual bake sale this morning from 11 a.m. to noon PT.

"I feel confident, I have to say," Jayma says of her prospects. "I think we've got some good Gleeks out there. I'm proud of my Gleeks!"

You can buy cookies from her anytime through Dec. 31 via Glad to Give's Facebook page. Go Team Jayma!

See what Jayma has to say about Cookies for Kids' Cancer and lots of thoughts on her Glee love triangle in the exclusive video above.

And go Team Emma!

Jayma kindly accepted my offer to help her take down Gwyneth Paltrow, who (I'm sure you haven't heard) is guest starring in the next episode of Glee as Holly Holiday, the substitute teacher who fills in for Will (Matthew Morrison)—and possibly steals his heart.

Jayma—who reveals she didn't share any screen time with Gwyneth—says she's feeling all green with envy. "Don't put me on the same camera as that woman!" she says of gorgeous Gwynnie. "Holy cow, like, keep her at a distance! I want my shots to be singles, please. Don't put us side by side...I'm a little jealous, naturally."

Here's what else Jayma had to say about the Carl-Emma-Will-Holly love rhombus and what's to come on Glee:

Tell us what's ahead for Emma.
Emma is still liking the Dr. Carl Howell (John Stamos), the Dr. Carl Howell. [Laughs.] He is a 'the." I call him The Stamos...Yeah, I think Emma is enjoying that relationship. I think it's good for her. She needs someone kind of wild and fancy free in her life and I think it's working. But she still likes Will, you know. Wemma fans, don't be disheartened!

Do you feel like her one true love is Will or is Carl maybe a better match for her?
That's a hard one. I think especially if you watched the first season, you feel like [Will and Emma] are destined to be together, and I do. You do kind of feel like they are equally matched and they both kind of have a very similar heart and similar passions and that they are destined to be together again. But I do feel like right now the doctor is good for Emma. I think it's a good thing. You know the timing has been a little off, things weren't right before. I don't know. The writers are way better at imagining these things and what should happen and shouldn't happen than I am.

What can we do about Gwyneth? How can I help take her down?
I know, right? I don't know. I've been seeing pictures. They've been leaking pictures, and [Matthew and Gwyneth] look really close and comfy. They look like they get along.

So are you hoping Gwyneth might be back or that she stays away?
Well I don't know, a little drama's always good, isn't it? And I do think she's amazing. I didn't get a chance to really meet her, so I would love for her to come back just for selfish reasons. I'd just like to say hi and shake her hand. [Laughs.] They never let me meet anyone. They keep me like in closed corners because they're afraid, I think. They're like, "Don't let Jayma meet Carol Burnett, she's going to flip out on her. Please keep her away, send her to another state to do press or something. Like please, Dominican Republic, go." Actually I've never met John either. [Laughs.]

Is John sticking around long?
I hope so. He's wonderful and he's wonderful to work with. And I just thought such an obvious wonderful addition to the cast. He can sing, he can dance, he's so talented. On top of all that he's just a really wonderful kind man. Great addition.

What was it like shooting "Touch-a Touch-a Touch Me?" in the Rocky Horror episode? I know the fans loved it.
They did? That's very exciting. I was actually really nervous, I get really nervous when I have to sing and dance on camera. There's something wonderful about doing it with someone who's so professional and so seasoned like Matt, there's a calming element to that. But there's also an element of that that makes me anxiety-filled because he's so amazing at it and it's so second nature to him that I feel like the biggest dunce in the world when I'm trying to dance around him. I feel like I should just be standing there and let him twirl around me, or let him do whatever he does—it would be a much better number. But it's fun, I really enjoy it, it's something that's a challenge for me and it's something that I don't always get to do, so it's a lot of fun. It's a lot of fun.

When are we going to see you in a sexy magazine photo shoot like the GQ one?
I keep saying I need to get in like Knitters Weekly. Really stir things up.


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