GLEE’s Dot Marie Jones Talks Coach Bieste

GIVE ME MY REMOTE got some one-on-one time with the one and only Dot Marie Jones, who joined the GLEE cast this season to play the no-nonsense, yet surprisingly sensitive Coach Bieste.

What’s coming up for the character?

Jones fills us in…

Let’s talk Coach Bieste!
Dot Marie Jones: It’s a pleasure and a honor to play her. I am just so honored, because for me, I’ve always played the big tough woman or the mom or the mean this or the mean that. To get to play vulnerable where I actually cry is… [sighs happily]

That’s fantastic. What can you tease about what’s coming up for Coach Bieste?
DMJ: I don’t know what’s coming up, because they write as we go, basically. The episode that airs Tuesday — it’s called “Sexy” — and Gwyenth Paltrow is back and I got like one scene in that.

Have you filmed anything beyond that?
DMJ: No. I’m not in the episode after that.

Well that’s disappointing. What would you like to have happen for your character this year?
DMJ: I’d love to see Coach Bieste coach the basketball [team] as well as the baseball stuff coming up. I know we only have like six episodes left to shoot.

It would make sense for her to be the coach of the baseball team since it seems the school only has one coach.
DMJ: I grew up in a small town and all our [high school] coaches coached every [sport].

Do you think Coach Bieste could get a love interest?
DMJ: I hope so.

After all, she did recently have her first kiss…
DMJ: That was one of my favorite episodes. That and the Christmas episode, those are my favorites.

You had some good material to work with in both episodes.
DMJ: I loved playing Santa and working with Heather [Morris (Brittany)]. Oh my God. She is amazing. She’s one of my favorites on the show.

Is there anyone you’d like to work with more?
DMJ: I’d like to work with the girls. I loved when the girls were playing
football. Loved it. I love working with the boys, they’re all fantastic and all such sweethearts. But I’d like to work more with the girls.

And how about her relationship with Will? Would you like to see them team up to take on Sue?
DMJ: I would love that. I love where my relationship with Will has gone. I love that we’re buddies. I love that. I love that they went that route with that. I was a little nervous about doing the song that I did two weeks ago, but I felt so much more confident and relaxed because Matt [Morrison (Will)] was doing it with me.

That was a fun scene to watch. You guys let loose!
DMJ: It was so much fun. I’ve never sang before. To get to go to a recording booth and actually sing and record [a song]…never in my life did I think that was going to be happening.

GLEE is certainly changing what actors do on television.
DMJ: I’m just hoping it changes the way people think. I feel like there are so many messages in every episode that you hope you hit a handful.


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