Max Adler talks about some upcoming plots

Glee star Max Adler plays Karofsky, a controversial homophobic football star that continues to struggle with his own sexuality. After a few episodes of Karofsky constantly bullying Kurt (Chris Colfer) and talks of him playing a large part in the highly-anticipated Lady Gaga episode, we’re left to wonder – Will Karofsky ever come out and find peace?

In an exclusive interview with PopStop TV, Adler reveals that he would like for Karofsky to eventually come out and accept who he is.

“I want things to take its course and take its due time. Eventually towards the end, I would like Karofsky to come out and accept who he is,” Adler admits. “I feel like you can’t do it too soon. He’s very scared. I feel like you have to give it the right time it would take for somebody to do it. But eventually, I think that would be a great message.”

So, will he kiss Chris Colfer again?

“It’s certainly a possibility!” Adler laughed. “Anything is possible. Chris was a fine kisser. He’s great. It was easy. In the scene, you get carried away. It was almost like all the jokes and immaturity stuff went away. You went for it. We had fine doing that scene.”

Watch the interview below and find out what Adler knows about the Lady Gaga episode!


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