Spoiler Chat: Will They Reshoot the Glee

Amanda: Are they reshooting the Glee prom?
Darren Criss told us a little about the prom at a press event for the Warblers album saying, "We had a blast [shooting the prom]. Oh my god, we had these really, really long shooting days, three days in a row. And it was so much fun because it was really beautiful outside and everyone's dressed up. That was probably the funnest shooting days we had. They were really long, but we had lots of food and lots of just games—we were playing basketball. We had a blast." So has he heard that they might have to go back and film new versions of those scenes? Says Criss: "No, I haven't. That would be a pain. We worked so hard. Jeez. That would suck. Let's hope that's not the case."

RachaelHeather1: Glee in NYC! With all this filming outside, what's going on?
Glee is going big time! When you film in NYC, you've got to do it right. And that's exactly what's going on. From what we gathered…the numbers outside in the streets of New York may outnumber the numbers performed indoors!

monsterfan13: What's coming up for Finchel in future episodes? Can we expect some New York action?
Well, they do say New York is the city of love! What? They don't say that? Could've fooled us with the way we hear Finn and Rachel will be acting toward each other during Nationals. Now, Glee NYC photo party!

source: eonline.com

1 commenti:

Anonymous said...

Is Quinn wearing THE tiara?

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